2020 California Wildfires Debris Removal Update

2020 California Wildfires Debris Removal Update

More than 2,000 properties participating properties in state’s Consolidated Debris Removal Program returned back to county officials to begin permitting process for reconstruction. SACRAMENTO – More than 2,000 properties throughout the state whose owners...
Update: COVID-19 Funeral Assistance

Update: COVID-19 Funeral Assistance

The COVID-19 pandemic has been incredibly difficult for families, especially those who lost a loved one to the virus. This unexpected and sometimes sudden loss places not only an emotional toll but a financial one on family members. Through the Federal Emergency...
Deadly Silence: Are You Listening

Deadly Silence: Are You Listening

Summer weather has arrived, and nothing cools you down better than a dip in the pool. But there are a few things you should know before jumping in. Drowning is the leading cause of injury-related death among children 1-4 years of age. It’s also the third leading...
Power Outage Preparedness: Are You Ready

Power Outage Preparedness: Are You Ready

As California continues to deal extreme weather events, everyone living in our state should take steps now to prepare themselves and their families for events like a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS), rolling blackouts and extreme weather events. Such events may...