Recursos de Preparación en Español

Recursos de Preparación en Español

California tiene varios riesgos tal como temblores, incendios forestales, tormentas fuertes y no sabemos cuándo ocurrirá el próximo desastre. Por eso es importante tomar medidas para prepararnos antes de que un desastre ocurra. Recursos de CalOES ¡Cal OES tiene un...
Your Resources for California PSPS and Wildfires

Your Resources for California PSPS and Wildfires

This post will help connect you with important information related to the Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) and wildfires burning around California. Check back often as we will be updating this resource page. If there is something you’re looking for and...
Your Resources for California PSPS and Wildfires

Prepare Before Disaster Hits or the Power Goes Out

Elevated fire conditions and extreme weather events and wind systems forecast across California, combined with planned public safety power shutoffs, creates the opportune situation for every Californian to assess their personal preparedness. Video: “Tips to get your...