Wildfire Evacuees Find Comfort, Answers at Shelters

Wildfire Evacuees Find Comfort, Answers at Shelters

Evacuees from any of the wildfires burning around the state of California often don’t have a place to go for answers to questions, help with immediate emergency logistics or even food and shelter. This video shows you what some survivors of the Lightning Complex...
Funcionarios Estatales Anuncian los Últimos Hechos de COVID-19

Funcionarios de la Salud Pública piden a los Californianos a Permanecer Dentro lo Más Posible Debido a la Mala Calidad del Aire en las Áreas Aledañas a los Incendios Forestales

SACRAMENTO – El Departamento de Salud Pública del estado de California (CDPH) pide a los residentes de las áreas afectadas por el fuego y sus alrededores que estén al tanto de la calidad del aire y el efecto que puede tener en su salud y el efecto que puede tener en...
Jones Fire Evacuations in Nevada County California

Jones Fire Evacuations in Nevada County California

There are widespread evacuations in effect in Nevada County, and throughout California. Learn the types of evacuation levels, and what the designated siren sounds like. We follow the Nevada County Sheriff’s Department and law enforcement mutual aid (LEMA) as...
Governor Newsom Signs Executive Order in Response to COVID-19

Ahead of New School Year, California Schools Receive Critical Funds to Support Distance Learning and Governor Newsom Signs Executive Order Directing State Agencies to Bridge Digital Divide

 Schools are receiving $5.3 billion in funds to support learning during the pandemic – every eligible local educational agency in the state applied for funding See how much your school district will receive here. Governor Newsom signs executive order directing state...