Cal OES Fire and Rescue Chief Brian Marshall Details Preparations for Fire Season
In this episode (#97) we talk with Cal OES Fire and Rescue Chief Brian Marshall. With an impressive 30 plus year background in emergency management, Chief Marshall has been serving with Cal OES since 2019. With California heading into...

PODCAST #96: Cal OES Chief Counsel Jennifer Bollinger’s Pleasantly Relentless Demeanor Helps Gets Things Done
This episode (#96) of All Hazards gives us a view of Cal OES’s mission through a legal lens. We sit down with Cal OES Chief Counsel Jennifer Bollinger. She covers everything from how she became an attorney, and how she came to Cal OES...

Mark Ghilarducci on KBLA with Dominique DiPrima on How to Keep Our Families Safe in the Next Disaster
As another wildfire season is in full swing in California and the Western States, California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) Director Mark Ghilarducci joined Dominique DiPrima in the KBLA studio for the podcast First Things...

PODCAST #95: Massive Wildfire Recovery Operation in Greenville, California, is Nearing the Finish Line
This episode (#95) takes us to Greenville, California, where efforts to recover from the Dixie and Beckwourth Complex fires are accelerating as the finish lines comes into view. We talk with Cole Glenwright, Cal OES Recovery Operations...

PODCAST #94: New Cal OES Law Chief Don O’Keefe Settles-in after Changes in Cop Culture, Capture of Bay Area Arsonist and with Plans for Growth
In this episode (#94) we talk with the new Cal OES Law Branch chief Donald O’Keefe. Governor Gavin Newsom appointed O’Keefe in December 2021, building on a distinguished career in law enforcement at both the local and federal level. In...

PODCAST (#92): Alex Cabassa and Dr. Lawrence Heiskell Discuss CSTI’s Life-Saving Trainings
California experiences numerous unique disasters that first responders and emergency managers must be ready to respond to at any moment. Training is a critical part of that process in which the California Specialized Training Institute...

Podcast: Anniversary of Devastating Haiti Earthquake is Reminder of Heroism and Need for Preparedness at All Levels
January 12, 2010, Haiti suffered enormous loss of life and destruction when a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck about 16 miles west of Port-au-Prince, Haiti's capital. It's estimated that three million people were impacted by the quake,...

Podcast #91: Centro de llamadas en Roseville y la importancia del Sistema 9-1-1 Nueva Generación
La Oficina de Servicios de Emergencia, o Cal OES por sus siglas en inglés, ha implementado cambios en la tecnología, transformando el sistema 9-1-1 de análogo a digital, y permitiendo con ello, un mejor proceso de comunicación y...

PODCAST #90: Cal OES, PSC Lead Nation to Go Live with NextGen 911 in Tuolumne County, California
This episode (#90) brings us up to speed on Next Generation 911. 911.gov explains: “Because most 911 systems were originally built using analog rather than digital technologies, public safety answering points (PSAPs) across the country need to be...

PODCAST #89: Teams Race Rain to Mitigate Toxic Debris Flows, Advance Dixie Fire Recovery
In this episode (#89) we talk with Jerry Sipe, recovery manager for Dixie and Beckwourth Complex Fires in Plumas County. He talks about how the utter devastation in Greenville, a town of about 1,100 in Plumas County, has left a debris field from...

PODCAST #88: A Phoenix Rising in Greenville After the Dixie Fire Destroys Town, Fire Station, Truck
The Dixie Fire was a tough one. It started on July 13, 2021, and is still burning (as of this post on Oct. 12) on the Plumas National Forest, Lassen National Forest, Lassen Volcanic National Park, and in five counties: Butte, Lassen, Plumas, Shasta...

PODCAST #87: California and Japan Share a History of Natural Disaster Assistance, Research Collaboration to Save Lives
In this episode (#87) we talk with an expert on disaster mitigation. He is Professor Satoru Nishikawa, Disaster Mitigation Research Center, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. We had the opportunity to chat with Dr. Nishikawa about the topics that...

Podcast #86: Come Along with Us on Our Walking Tour of Damage and Recovery of Big Basin Redwoods State Park
This episode of All Hazards (#86) takes you on a walking tour of Big Basin Redwoods State Park. The CZU Complex fire burned nearly all of the 18,000-acre park beginning in August, 2020, a significant portion of the 86,000 acres that burned in the...

Podcast #85: Cal OES Leads Covid19-Safe Radiological Exercise ‘Sentinel Response 2021’
In the words of our guest for this episode, “Table top is one thing. Getting your knuckles dirty is another.” Cal OES Assistant Fire Joe Gear takes a few minutes to sit down and talk with us about his role as incident commander, and that of Cal...

Podcast #84: Covid-19 Vaccinations on a Mega Scale: Figuring out What Right Looks Like
This episode of All Hazards (#84) takes us to the front lines of the fight against Covid-19, the vaccination super site located at Cal State Los Angeles. We sit down with some of the top leadership there: David Stone, Cal OES Fire & Rescue...