Unemployment benefit payments top $12 billion in California


Sacramento – Demand for the financial support of unemployment benefits continues with a total of 350,687 claims processed and a total of $3.4 billion in benefits paid last week alone by the California Employment Development Department (EDD) to eligible workers impacted by the COVID pandemic.

According to the latest data from the EDD, a total of 4.7 million claims have now been processed since a surge in unemployment demand began during the week ending March 14, and a total of $12.3 billion in benefits has been paid to workers in need. For a sense of how large these numbers are, at the height of the last recession the EDD processed about 700,000 claims over a two-month period.

The information in the Data Dashboard below reflects official claim totals combining regular Unemployment Insurance (UI) and the new federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program as reported to the U.S. Department of Labor for the prior week. California’s PUA claim estimate accounts for more than 16% of the nation’s PUA claim total (841,995). Payment data also includes the extra $600 federal stimulus payment that the EDD is automatically adding to each week of benefits a claimant on either program receives – available until the end of July.


Unemployment Insurance (UI) Data Dashboard – see footnotes below

  1. The Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) was released in California effective April 28, 2020; PUA running total figure represents less than 2 weeks of data. This figure represents data from April 28 – May 9, 2020. 
  2. Claims processed through UI Online, along with about 5% of claims that arrive via paper or phone. This accounts for claims received in the current week as well as in past weeks.
  3. Includes $600 federal stimulus payments EDD adds to each week of regular UI/PUA benefits. Regular UI benefits are paid out of California’s UI Trust Fund with contributions from employers, PUA and $600 federal stimulus payments are paid for by the federal government.
  4. Four week rolling totals accommodate for numerous variables that dictate what claimants receive benefits in any given bi-weekly period. Data excludes claimants were who fully employed, disqualified or had excessive earnings that would disqualify them for a week of benefits.
  5. Four-week running total between week-ending April 11 and week-ending May 2, 2020.
  6. Four-week running total between week-ending April 18 and week-ending May 9, 2020.
  7. Rounded totals. Claims processed counts can be higher than submitted applications due to processing of applications submitted prior to Week Ending March 14.


New federal extension planned for launch

The EDD has been working around the clock to implement a new 13-week federal extension of unemployment benefits called the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) established in the federal CARES Act.  Due to the different dates, eligibility requirements, and interactions with other UI programs, including the new PUA program, the implementation of this extension has increased complexities.  In order to make these PEUC benefits available as quickly as possible during this historic pandemic, the EDD will be rolling the extension out in two phases.

  • Phase 1 – Starting May 27th, the EDD will begin automatically filing PEUC extensions for those who exhausted all available benefits on their claim with a benefit year that started on or after June 2, 2019, and expects the first phase to be completed in early June.  These individuals will receive a notice through the mail about 5-7 days after the PEUC extension is filed.  This notice will include instructions on how to certify for extension benefit payments if you remain unemployed. Claimants are also encouraged to watch for updates in the Inbox of their UI Online account.
  • Phase 2 – Starting in early July, the EDD will begin mailing notices to those who ran out of their regular UI benefits sometime after July 2018 who are not part of the more recent group of those who exhausted benefits in Phase 1. More details will be released later.  But the EDD recommends these individuals who remain out of work apply for another UI claim through UI Online if they haven’t already done so. The EDD will be required to first check whether or not they would qualify for a new regular claim before an extension could be filed.

Second phase of Pandemic Unemployment Assistance launches next week

The EDD has also been diligently working to implement the next phase of the new federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program (PUA) that applies to the self-employed, business owners, independent contractors and others who are not eligible for regular state-provided UI benefits and are unemployed as a direct result of COVID-19.                             

  • Starting on May 20th – The EDD will have new programming available to potentially increase weekly benefit amounts that started at the minimum level of  $167 per week when the program launched on April 28 and will begin recalculating awards for qualified individuals.  Based on the total income reported by the claimant for calendar year 2019, payments could go up to a maximum of $450 per week.  In general, claimants would have to earn more than $17,368 annually to qualify for an increase. More information about this process will be available on the EDD website next week.
  • Retroactive – Any increase in weekly benefit amounts calculated will be paid retroactively by the EDD to the start of an individual’s PUA claim.  Those due higher benefit amounts will receive details in a notice sent through the mail and the EDD will automatically issue adjustment payments for prior PUA payments made at the lower amount.
  • Also starting May 20th – The EDD is recalculating PUA benefits for those who may have had PUA benefits withheld to repay overpaid benefits due on a prior regular unemployment insurance claim.  It’s been determined that federal guidelines do not call for offsetting PUA benefits for this obligation, and so any amount deducted due to a benefit overpayment will automatically be repaid to those eligible claimants.


New guidance offered for workers and employers as businesses start to reopen

As businesses start to reopen in California under the state government guidelines, the EDD has developed a new series of FAQs on our COVID-19 webpages to assist workers and employers in understanding impacts on the eligibility for UI benefits. 




The Employment Development Department (EDD) offers a wide variety of services to millions of Californians. Among the programs administered by the EDD are Unemployment Insurance, Disability Insurance, and Paid Family Leave.

Please visit the Unemployment Benefits Guide for instructions on how to apply for Unemployment Insurance or Pandemic Unemployment Assistance.

For additional information on financial resources please visit: https://covid19.ca.gov/get-financial-help/.



  1. Ira J. Wagoner

    I’m suitably impressed by the statistics, but you do realize you’re failing horribly? It has been nearly 8 weeks since I applied and was approved for UI benefits, and I have yet to receive payment, or any notification of a pending payment. Nice words, prefer action. Contacted both of my state representatives, am not going to hold my breath until they manage to produce some kind of result. I’m a CA native, and I suspect I will continue to be disappointed by all of my elected reps.

    • Donna Reyes

      Me too. 🙁

      • Tessa

        I simply love how they say that benefits were paid to people. Sure, my status has shown paid for almost 2 weeks. However, in that time I cannot access funds because I am now waiting for a third party facilitator to mail me my benefits card. Do they understand what it is like to stand in line at a food giveaway? I can only do so once a month. Then on the 3rd Thursday I can get food from another giveaway. My barely $200 for CalFresh was used up immediately along with my stimulus check from President Orange. I’m now facing eviction once the SIP is lifted. Because honestly, playing catch up with rent once this is over is not going to help anyone situation. Not to mention my HOME is being sold buy the owners who I rent from. I need my car fixed to find a job…as I live in a rural area in Sacramento county. All of these things that are happening are happening to millions of people…not just me. This is the biggest shit show ever. So pardon me…but your explanation with growing numbers of the unemployed and how backed up things are….opening our state back up just so folks who might be sick or will get sick…so those numbers drop is just FUCKING STUPID!!!
        Please put yourself in the shoes of your working class poverty stricken constituents for once. I’m tired, hungry and completely out of patience with your outdated system and your lack of sympathy. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER STATE OF CALIFORNIA…HELP YOUR PEOPLE SURVIVE. This miserable failure has got to end soon.

        • Kayla Ruiz

          Took the words right out of my mouth!! I certify for benefits tomorrow so I’m going on 6 weeks of pending payments sitting at 0 but I keep certifying while I’m about to go into so much DEBT, couldn’t pay my car payment, I cannot get food stamps because “I was awarded unemployment “ yet I have not RECEIVED ANY FUNDS they issued me 1 weeks of benefits and since then on hold. So I was able to pay my rent, my electricity and put a little food on the table, all whilst I have a 2 year old daughter.. so I’m in food lines for free food, I’m recycling my cans every other week to get diapers if I can find some I can afford on the shelf, no wipes, and when there is they are cheap ones I’m going through faster than a pack of huggies and limited to 1.. I’m 30 miles from the nearest Walmart to top it off and I live in such a rural area I have a PO Box so getting stuff delivered is a headache.. does California not understand what we are truly going through. 1200 stimulus did NOTHING when I lost my job and had to pay bills and feed and provide for my child. I’ve never even got welfare a day in my life, I have worked my butt off, for THIS!? what a shame. And the biggest embarrassment is these foreigners running money services like WesternUnion can get them their money within minutes and America is going on 3 months of watching their people suffer. What a damn shame. And say they issued funds to almost every person that applied; yet, these comments total contradict everything they are telling us which isn’t a surprise, is it? They still have income and paychecks and direct deposit so they must be counting their own heads rather than ours!

          • Sheryl Pena

            Re- applying for food stamps tomarrow. Just received med-i-cal benefits again. No money/ benefit payments received. Eligible but my benefit screen frozen. DONT GIVE UP, HAVE RECENTLY HEARD PEOPLE FINALLY RECEIVING THEIR PAYMENTS AFTER 3 MONTHS…STICK IN THERE!!! ??

          • Jill Dietz

            I just got my money yesterday I to was 8 weeks with “pending” I know its easy for me to say but hang in there your money will get to you this number 1-833-978-2511 when you call it the sec you hear the recording hit 1 then 2 real fast if it says they have reached their limit on calls just keep trying and when you get a hold of someone ask for a level 2 operator level 1 they can only help you with technical stuff and if you do get a level 1 operator tell them you would like a call back from a level 2 operator and it doesn’t hurt to cry on the phone lol just saying good luck to you I have been where you are and its no fun

          • Sheryl Pena

            I JUST SPENT HOURS ON PHONE WITH APPLYING FOR FOODSTAMPS AND CONFIRMING MED-I-CAL COVERAGE. ooops sorry, didn’t mean to tell. Caps was on. Again I will be persistant in calling EDD.♥️

          • Mohammad

            How can change a mistake on my application I already certified and submitted

          • Mama Bear

            Same …. I was laid off and March was suppose to go back to work… I have 9 kids never had any help not even took maternity leave… Popped baby out took 2 days from one pay period and 2 days from the next an was back at work…. I received 1 payment and every week since PENDING…. Called for 2 weeks straight literally 8 to noon NOT ONE ANSWER…. SHIT I’ll go to work for them and answer people’s calls… two Bird with one stone??‍♀️

          • Jill Dietz

            I to was in the same boat given up all hope I was 7 weeks with pending filed on March 23rd and one day I woke up and bam my money was there I called over 1,000 times I kid you not be patient it will come unless you filed out something wrong i know its easy for me to say hang in there but I literally just got my money all $7431.00!!!!!

          • Sheryl Pena

            My loss of words and don’t know what to say. I can’t believe our situations !!! All our stories are heartbreaking, and yet??? WHAT CAN WE DO? I DONT EVEN WANT TO GET UP ANY MORE (FROM BED)…..TO DO WHAT… Call EDD over and over again. Another week will be over again….still, no benefits paid to me, 10 weeks now. Shit probably maybe more. We, as working people, now having no jobs, and can’t get our EDD $$$. But give $$$ to the others. Makes me sick…and despite all the other shit going on….I am just another American going d own.

          • Sheryl Pena

            I AM GOING TO BE 51/50 OR WHATEVER ITS CALLED!!! This is a fucked way to take care of us!! Sorry.. I just don’t know how to express wording.
            So tired and ready to give up.
            from the bay area…it sucks!!!

          • Marcus Broady

            I’m in 100 percent agreement. I have a wife who is disabled an 11 month old daughter and I lost my job a month ago, never received my stimulus check. Had to file for UI by mail because I’m locked out of my online account. Nobody can help me get back in because the security questions are outdated with obscure questions I don’t remember answering ever. But I get An email saying I need to certify my benefits or risk losing them. How the Fuck am I supposed to do this? The stress is literally giving me nausea daily. Applying to dozens of positions online daily and none of them even take the time to respond. Seriously I’m about ready to swallow a 12 gauge.

          • Eugene Martinez

            Give ‭(833) 978-2511‬ number some calls, STAY POLITE, and ask right off the bat if your rep is level 1 or 2, to sort ur issue out you need a level 2 and I haven’t seen an order to who answers what calls on a call in basis. My issue was I reported for one week being to sick to work, dont. Never say that just say your able to work and not refusing work. If you say your too sick to work one certification period they place a hold on your benefits to sort out if you should be on disability instead. Called yesterday after two months and they put me on a call list to review my claim. Got a call this morning and benefits were released. Waiting for the card to load now (probably just 24/hrs).

          • Theresa

            I’m happy for you! I’ve called and spoke with 3 different reps, none of them were tier 2. They said they put me on a list 2 weeks ago and I have never received a call.

          • Eugene Martinez

            Ok yes this is the way, first they put u on a review list, I had that happene yesterday and they told me it could be up to ten days waiting period for processing. What will happen when they go to action your claim is you will receive a call from a unknown or blocked number, that’s the case evaluator and they only do this actioning from 8a-12p mon-fri. It’s super quick and again just stay persistent don’t lose hope!! Keep calling in as often as possible till you hear a) they confirm ur on the list again or b) you receive that early morning call. Mine came around 8:30 am. Good luck and thank you!

          • Theresa

            Thank you so much for your support. I got lucky today and the rep fixed everything and paid me. I am so grateful bc I won’t get evicted or have to become homeless.

          • Kenneth King

            Did they load $$$ onto your card?
            how long did it take?
            when did you make your UI and/or PUI claim?
            I reopened a UI Claim in APril 11 2020. Had previously exhausted Disability benefit payments on April 9, 2020 Wrote to disability saying I was taking myself OFF of DI and renewed my application for UI on April 12, 2020. Doctor work restriction ended April 15, 2020.
            My complication is that UI records show Ihave a open SDI claim and UI benefits aer held-up because of it. It’s ALL DOCUMENTED! The Facts are Plain as day!
            SDi benefits were exhausted on 04/09/2020 and UI renewel was 04/11/2020 …but they can’t figure it out! I got some rental property so I’m surviving.
            There’sa a whole lotta’ people in the same boat. Long Delays for their checks.
            It appears cases commencing in both APril and May (maybe March, too) are delayed for reasons unknown.

          • Eugene Martinez

            Well the card hasn’t see the load yet no but the Ed’s yo online site confirms the funds were transferred I’m imagining there’s a potential 24 hour processing delay for transfer of funds but I’m fairly certain my funds will be active by tomorrow

          • Brad G Bowman

            Same here, going on 8 weeks, Starting to use credit cards, got car note deferred 2 months figured I would have money by then, but not looking good. After 143 calls to UI I got through on hold 35 minutes, asked why my payments are still pending. She says she cannot see a claim. Explained that I received my extension approval letter stating that I had to do nothing I was going to be automatically enrolled and that I had certified for 6 weeks, this Sunday will be 8 weeks. After all that I am told I need to call EDD and ask them. It’s a mess, had a friend who waited and finally received all 13 weeks at once and was told to then go back and certify all the weeks.

          • Anita.Orange

            I am Amazed how people who has never worked or paid taxes in 15 yrs saying they are out of work , collecting unemployment. I have worked for the last 30 yrs. It has been 8 weeks and my case is pending. I call they say they will fix the error. Meanwhile these fraudulent individuals are living their best life. Bragging about how they got over on the system. It took 2 weeks . No background checks. Old enough to have work for at least 20 yrs or more with not one dime paid in taxes. How can this be? I am having to scrape up to pay some of my bills because the government is aging them first. They get foodstamps and cash aid along with unemploymen boy you make it easy for them . I am disappointed . I am tired of people slipping thru the cracks. This is a slap in the face for people who deserves help and not getting it. I am tired of waiting for my claim to process. I am getting anxiety. I got through twice to edd. They said they would fix my paperwork. Its still the same. Speechless

          • Kenneth King

            UNBELIEVABLE !
            I reopened a UI claim April 9th, 2020…
            My complication is I’d been on Disability and the benefits expired on 04/09/2020. I reopened a UI claim on 04/11/2020. They claim I’ve tried to collect Disability AND Unempolyment CONCURRENTLY!
            Today, July 11th, 2020 I’ve spoken with UI office 4 times after 100’s unsuccessful phone calls including a “tier 2 Supervisor” and NOTHING RESOLVED. I’ve faxed the documents, made it plain and clear the facts and MORE’ NOTHING!’


          • Keena

            Same with me i certified for 9 weeks next week will be 10 and i havent got a red cent a dollar or nothing. Thinking about my smud i may go into cardiac arrest. Thanks to the anonymous person who paid my pge or i would be in full stroke. My grown kids & bff has been buying me essential items & paying the rent. Meanwhile paying they own bills & taking care of they own children. Wtf is wrong with unemployment its a hot mess. My job let me go im so desperate ive been knocking on doors to cut lawns turning in cans & walking dogs in 100 degree weather. Just for some money to stay above water. Why United States government just why. Ive worked all my life since age 14 & this is how were treated. Wow??

          • Blaise

            Filing for PUA was a nightmare. I had start dates for 2 different jobs that I never got to start due to covid 19, another part time job ended, even the recycling I would collect on my spare time for extra cash, came to a complete hault the min the stay in place order was announced. Non of that mattered because early 2019 I had a normal W2 job. When filing I never had a chance to put down what was actually happening because of the W2. I can’t tell u how many people I know who have completely, 100% lied & got there notice within a week telling them how much money to expect, I’m talking anywhere from $7,000-$20,000. I tell the truth & as of now nothing. I’ve never felt so scared. EDD made it easier for the liers to file, WTF?

          • Virginia Zingarelli

            I was getting mine right on time now I haven’t received nothing on my card since june.

          • Julie

            Yep need to get the current politicians from. Mayor’s to governor to Congress women and house speaker Nancy Palosi. They all are Evil in all democratic states

          • Geneva

            I am with you’ll on this I’m 18 weeks certified and pending. Was approved months ago. I’m on the verge of losing my car, behind on bills. I’m barely making rent. Food pantries lines every chance I can. CalFresh only last 2-wks home schooling with my 10 year old and making sure her meals are consistent. It’s getting to be very stressful.

          • Jill M Dietz

            I hear you all I to was 9 weeks got money thou don’t you think we should protest up in Sacramento? This just doesn’t hurt one person this is killing all of us!!! trust me im not ready to go yet!! This thing that the government is doing going back and forth on whether to give us the extra $300.00 whooping! Its not that im not greatful but we are the ones who put these people in office to look over us help us tec… are you ready for this out senator Feinstein and all the others have had 3 or 4 vacation time since this pandemic started and for 15 or 17 days at a time!! Feinstein herself is worth ready for this net worth is
            $56,000,000 dollars! And we give her a salary of only $175,000 dollars in her paycheck!! Oh yeah I wonder if they all got stimulus checks? I have had it up to here with the senate ,congress who have no IDEA what its like to go to the grocery store no clue whats so ever! Food has gone up,gas prices,so on and so on i say we protest about the unemployment,our 2nd stimulus check,and about all of the senators going on vacations during a PANDEMIC!!! Ok i have said my piece

          • Blaine Bunton

            I have been stopped payment in the middle of getting paid, for almost two months now also. They have tricked everyone into thinking the way are going to get paid. California unemployment is the biggest scam I’ve ever had to deal with in my life.

        • Mr. Smith

          Vote accordingly, California.

          • Jill Dietz

            This unemployment thing has gotten totally out of control instead of the government talking they need to start doing!!!! And the other 800 number is a fucking joke!! The only thing they can do is help with technical support wtf!!! 8am to 12 noon is a fucking joke step up California and open up the phone lines from 8am to 5pm at least out of millions of people filing you think one could get through hell no!! Now the governor of California needs to start helping the people NOW!!! I have not been paid in 2 months it just says PENDING!!! Wtf??? I’m so broke about to lose my apartment my car my cell phone im sick and tired of the government playing fucking games!!! With our life’s never ever going to recover from this so all I have to say to unemployment and the governor of California is FUCK YOU!!! At least he is getting his paycheck fucker!!!

          • Ira J Wagoner

            Yeah, I hear you Jill, my sentiments, exactly. I’m about 9wks out, too. Contact your local state senator, and state assembly member. It takes them 3wks to get a response from edd, which is totally absurd, but better than any of us can do on the phone! Take care!

          • Jill Dietz

            Hi Ira,
            I tried calling everyone you mentioned with no results its just got to get better right? I can’t take to much more of this I swear you also take care and God bless

          • Sheryl Pena

            I mean..yell

          • Jennifer Kelley


          • Sheryl Pena

            My status page SHOWS NOTHING!!! SINCE MARCH 22!!! MY BENEFIT PAGE IS FROZEN!!! I hear NOTHING back from EDD.

          • Kenneth King

            Hell Yeah!

        • Shelley Roberts

          I am in a similar situation & frankly outraged. My payments are all marked pending (7 weeks) ..The government shut down the restaurant & catering industry I work in & now they leave us to starve. Politicians make me sick.

          • Mike H

            It’s sad to read through this thread of comments! I see so many people are in that situation as I or worse. I was approved by EDD for benefits on March 26, 2020. My last day at work before being shut down this pandemic was March 13, 2020. I started off getting all the information and approval letters from EDD. Then before receiving any payments and no B of A debit card my account was frozen with inaccurate weekly benefit amount being shown on UI online. This problem started before the end of March as I awaited payment for my first two weeks that I certified for via their mail in document. Anyway, it’s June 17, 2020 now and no payment has been received. I have written and called EDD repeatedly. Most times I get a tier 1 representative who can’t fix nothing. I have reached a tier 2 representative twice who claimed they fix the problem while I’m on the phone but that has proven to be not true. My account is still showing weeks of pay all the way back to March as pending. I have written and called Governor Newsom office help. No help has come from those calls or faxed letters. I have contacted my district Senator and Assemblyman. Those contacts haven’t generated any positive outcome yet. Our State official should be embarrassed and shameful as to how they have handled this crisis. My heart goes out to all the millions of unemployed California citizens/taxpayers. I have never been totally unemployed until now at 49 years old. That means I have paid taxes and into the unemployment system for over 30 years. Now I among others can’t get what we deserve and need. I’m totally sick and disgusted with this EDD situation. I contacted every local news agency asking them to report on this EDD failure daily. Somehow it’s not getting the coverage it needs that could possibly help the citizens/taxpayers/voters.

          • Theresa

            Good Morning Everyone,
            After reading some of the post, it lets me know I am not alone; however, what is happening to us is totally unacceptable. Our country is the wealthiest on the planet, we contribute by our skill sets, taxes, and make unique contributions to our country without hesitation. There is something fundamentally wrong with this situation and I wonder what we can actually do to change it. Right now our priority is trying to get our $, but we really should do something.
            Besides being humiliated and now depressed, we have to muster up whatever energy we have left to try and navigate a corrupted system.
            I humbly submit a positive prayer for everyone here and affirm we will get through this. I am approx 10 weeks without a dime and I have to think positive.

          • Eugene Martinez

            You gotta keep calling and get on the review list. The level one reps are worthless and they don’t give a fuck about passing you to the right people. Just hang up and do it again And again. If they don’t have the authority to put u on the list they will usually tell you as soon as they understand. Don’t bother asking for internal transfers you just get stuck in pergatory

          • Theresa

            After 10 weeks of non payment, I spoke with a rep at the 833 # who simply removed my hold and paid all my back $. Interesting enough, she told me there is no such thing as a tier 1&2. She said numerous peoples asked her that and she said they don’t classify them in tiers.
            I hope & pray everyone who hasn’t been paid will be paid soon! I know what it’s like, I lived it for 10 weeks!

          • Cbaran

            I too am so pissed off!! What is the problem? Been waiting almost 3 months now. Theres got to be something we can do as a whole? Forget the phone…i try everyday and too busy to talk to me. .ALWAYS. I AM..WE ARE HURTING. WTF.WTF WTF WTF WTF

          • Zack P

            8 weeks pending for me, been on the list for callback twice never hear anything, since I’ve been waiting I was evicted and my family split up

          • Bo

            If your card was saying paud vut ut waiting for it in the mail u can call and get money off ur card sent to u via western union but it costs a $15 fee is all. Takes about two hours but its super helpful and a lot of people don’t know about this option when waiting for the card in the mail.

        • Robert W Zeason


          • robert zeason


          • Robert Zeason


          • Theresa

            My heart breaks knowing people are suffering through no fault of their own. I too suffered with covid and then pua benefits being stalled for 10 weeks! I tried everything recommended to me through this and you tube videos. I was under the impression that “ only a supervisor” can lift the hold placed on my claims”. I was also advised to ask for a tier 2 claims specialist. I thought supervisors were only answering on the 800 # and the 833 # was for all the general info questions. After calling both of these #’s for weeks, I stopped and prayed please let me connect with the perfect person who knows their job and can fix the problem easily!
            I then called the 833 # and got a claims worker who fixed my problem in 5 mins and the $ was on my card in 24 hours! She also informed me that she worked there for past 11 years and never heard of the classification of tiers referring to them.
            I shared this bc I want nothing but hope and good responses for everyone who is suffering right now. I pray all of you receive all outstanding $ soon!
            Much Love and Don’t give up!

          • Blaine Bunton

            The California unemployment operators are the nastiest people I have ever had to deal with in my life. One woman named (Paku) told me she was god and had control over everything and hung up. I am 2 months behind on my bills and these operators need to leave there egos at the door. I’ve never been so disrespected in my whole life


          I’ve received one benefit in April I re-certified my claim for May I haven’t received anything everything is pending I can’t pay my bills or feed myself with pending what’s the problem it took 60 days to receive my account number and 60 days to get my bank card I need my benefits I’ve done everything that’s expected.

        • Roy

          I’m in the same situation and I agree with you 100 % this shit is beyond ridiculous..

        • Nicole cox

          Bank of America can issue an emergency transfer of funds in the event that your payment has been issued but you have yet to receive your card. You can transfer funds to another account or one of those prepaid debit cards like Netspend or greendot. A lot of people were dealing with that issue, they are a business run by people and workers just like anything else. They had a sudden spike in their workload and probably had less staff to handle it due to the virus. Yeah, it sucked waiting for that card, I was like a gargoyle perched on my mailbox for days. But I still feel pretty lucky that we get this kind of help.

          • Erick

            Recently got evicted and now Currently homeless. Need my card Asap… My babies mom isn’t letting me see my daughter either cause i don’t have a place to hang out with her of my own…. FML

          • Irma

            Hello I’m new here hope someone can answer my question : Hear it goes- I applied for EDD PUS on 7/27/20 on 7/31 recd Award letter -in 8/1/20 recvd 12 time sheets /clarification on 8/3 mailed them out on 8/7/20 recvd BOA card I activated it and recvd first payment of $1,500- a week after checked benefits I called said they couldn’t find my timesheets that I was disqualified because I put wrong date on app I put 2/23/20 IT should of been 2/27/20 So I have to appeal it what do I write on my appeal letter so I won’t completely denied
            Please advise thank you

          • Cindy Chaney-Santos

            It’s a JOKE! Tried cooking new claim for my new benefit year. Prior one ended March 23. Uploaded id verification docs, and have be sitting in line for ID.me rep to get on the video chat. 5hrs, 3 hrs, 2 1/2hr wait, 1 hr then back to 5 freakin hours. Filed out the paper application, sent certified mail 5 weeks ago. No freaking response, no benefits paid, no responses to my entails. Tried calling to file a claim, no one picks up, even if I call at 8am when they open. It’s a joke.

        • Jason

          Hi has your situation changed? Edd hasn’t paid me benefits for almost two months. Pending is all it says. They did same thing to my wife the disqualified her, so we appealed. EDD said her claim should go through. Two days later all claims change to disqualified, EDD won’t say why, just that you have to wait for a letter in the mail stating the reason. This is so frustrating.

          • Mark Kovling

            My award was 6/2. They have accepted certs for 3/1/2020 to present. All say pending. Pending what? Wheres my money?

          • Shelley Johnson

            I find out that this next extension of $300
            Is only for 3 weeks – what a joke! Our government sucks.

          • Kayla Ruiz

            Has anyone actually received the $300/weekly extension they said was approved?? I haven’t yet. And for those pending and still waiting it took them 12 weeks to finally get my edd through to my card. I was pending for 12 weeks until I called the senator’s office (dahle) and they were amazing to me, they actually contacted edd on my behalf to push it through because I too was facing homelessness, starvation, I had 2 diapers left for my child, no food stamps, no aid, no medical insurance, it was wiped with my job, so I became in a frantic like “what do I do now!?” I recycled my cans I sold most of my belongings for less than they were worth just to scrape by. By the time I got my unemployment, my car payment was 12 weeks past due, my car insurance, my rent, my bills, I had no food, my child needed essentials so everything but $37 was removed from my bank card, now I’m getting about 19% of what my income was before losing employment and still no aid, and I’m about to lose everything all over again, or start stacking bills up again. This is pathetic.

          • Blaine Bunton

            Sounds like the are lying to everyone.

          • Mark Kovling

            My edd was also cancelled. The wanted identity verification. I uploaded my id and utility bill twice and then they send me a cancelled edd saying i didnt respond on time. To appeal they sent me to a few urls. Very confusing. Fill out form this and look up and fill out form that, this is like stonewalling. The appeals judge might grant me a chance to refile. Meanwhile im broke af with $86.00 in the b of a account i cant access cuz its closed. What a bunch of shit this system is!!!

        • Debra Bishop

          Amen!!!! You should be President. At least you are speaking the truth and seem to know more about the citizens than that orange headed comb over joke. I refuse to call him my President.

          • Renee Brasseaux

            Edd wanted identity verification I sent everything Edd ask on me I call today an I did get threw to b told yes these receive my documents but I still have to wait 3 more weeks y we sending what they ask of us an still have to Go hungry can’t pay bills I just want to give up 9weeks an still waiting pending not one payment

        • The one you luv too hate

          They are so rite……the state of California and the so called government of the United States is so hung up on them selfs then too worry about us ppl that have too go thru all this suffering that’s including the children that don’t even understand why this is happening….you the government need to get ur heads out of each other’s asses need handle what ur job in the office is supposed to do that is help the ppl …..that’s what ur getting paid the big dollars …..all ur doing is talking and taken vacation while we the ppl are waiting for ur decision too come around but that’s jus my way of seen thing ……United States of America needs to be careful be fro us the ppl take matters in our own hands……dumb fucks…….

          • Anita O

            I had problems with Edd. I filed it took from june 13th 2020 I got paid August 5th. Then everything went silent. I received 300.00 Sept 5th. I called and found out August 30th someone had changed my mailing address. I caught it. My personal information had been compromised. I started calling edd to ask what was going on. Someone filed a new ckaim and it is meshed with mine. How and the hell do you allow thus to happen. I am so stressed out. I filed an imposter fraud. They were not going to tell me nothing. I faxed my identification and upload documents. I am so confused. I asked will this help me or the crimanal. Idk. They could not answer. This type of stressed that should have been avoided. Who in the first place allowed someone to duplicate my information. In the same city. Then question me who is still waiting to be paid up to date. I see so many on the news who got away with thousands. Smooth uninterrupted fraud. And people like me who is honest can’t get any scheduled payments without going thru 100s of calls trying to fix this issue. No one is getting back to me. I check the status and its all screwed up. Si am so frustrated. It’s so unfair when the these untrained people cuts a 15.000 check fir a 10 yr old. The scammer actually got paid on time. No identity checked. No verification needed. Wtf. This is such a slap in the face. I probably won’t get this resolved for weeks. We have clowns in the White House and inexperienced workers who can’t even answer the simplest question. No help holding for hrs. Now its a waiting game. I am running out of resources. I am so upset it causing me stress. California unemployment dep has dropped the ball on the needs of honest deserving people who has earned the benefits. You instead let our State be scammed out of billions of fraud claims. You should be held accountable. Hire people who can perform the job. Rude agents. They should be monitored how they speak to people with No compassion. Its a disgrace. Your calls all the dialing and time only to left with more confusion and frustration. Stop lying to us. Fix the problem. Hire some of us. Who has more experience now trying to fiquare out ways to help them help you get things up to date. Seriously monitor how these Reps speak to individuals. Like your nothing . We need results .

        • Angry Bitch

          I totally understand where your coming from and I agree completely, im in the same boat with 3 kids, single mom…to even elaborate would have me in fucking tears, they need to send a riot team from the IRS audit to help catch them up and fore the mfs who has been stealing checks, did you see that shit on the news…yep we got greedy, fraudulent mfs who work for Cali Edd and has been sending checks and debit cards to addresses bc remember they have our personal account information to access or make pins etc…im wondering did my card end up in that batch….been 2 months almost…still Nothing….FUCK CALIFORNIA REPRESENTATIVE

        • Tara

          Blame fucking Govorner Newsom, who deliberately KILLED our Economy, and Freedoms in the state for a political agenda. .he is a TRAITOR, and should face JUSTICE as one!!

          • Whatever

            No you can blame Trump for hurting our economy!!!!!

        • Bo

          If your card was saying paud vut ut waiting for it in the mail u can call and get money off ur card sent to u via western union but it costs a $15 fee is all. Takes about two hours but its super helpful and a lot of people don’t know about this option when waiting for the card in the mail.

        • Ez

          I like everything you said, we need more people that tell it like it is, nobody has the balls, I wish you were our Senator, I contacted Senator Jones of CA, gave them all my EDD pending payments, papers, screenshots, and I just received a response email, let me know when you are available to talk. What the fuck is talking about it going to do?
          It still says pending, so I guess the Senator is a pending, no getting, nothing done!! WTF ?

      • Sheryl Pena

        Me also…applied mar. 17, have not received no payments.

        • Nicole

          Im still waiting too since march

          • ZeAndre Chapman

            I applied for unemployment March 26th 2020. Received not one damn cent.

          • Jill Dietz

            Try this Watch “GET YOUR CALIFORNIA UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIM PAID. Bypass EDD’s Busy Message & Speak to a Live Person” on YouTube

            Ok so the minute you hear the person voice hit 1 then 2 real fast it may take 50 trys but you will get throuh its better then the other nunber anyway so the phone number you want is (833)978-2511 and when you do get a hold of someone at this number ask them if they are a level 1 operator or a level 2 operator the level 1 can only help you with technical issues BUT you can ask them or beg like I did if they could give your number to a level 2 operator sometimes they can help ok so remember their phone lines are open 8am to 8pm m-f now they could be there on the weekends I can’t remember good luck to you i was in the same boat as everyone here on this site I waited since March 3rd got 9 weeks of back pay so hang in there ?

          • Paris

            Same. I just pray we can all get back on our feet. Especially to the families who don’t deserve this. Just stay strong and don’t give up.

      • Erin McCarthy

        I too filed a claim for PUA on april 19 and havent heard anything back..im a self employed nanny/housekeeper snd the singlemother of a 16 yr old son.I struggle everyday just to make sure my son eats..I dont know whats going on with my claim and its freightening…

        • Joseph

          The EDD Calif has the smarty pants millinnials employee bosses sending me recertification weeks only to mark each claim “Not Paid” when I input job search and no earned pay sources. Does anyone else get that employee jealousy treatment from the former cable TV employees now working in the Edd office ?

          • Isabel

            I’ve also been certifying for each week and right away it says “Not Paid” I don’t know why if I’ve answered everything correctly. I can’t get a hold of anyone. Does anyone know why I automatically get that response yet I was approved for UI? This is so frustrating

          • CANDICE

            First of all, I have just said a prayer for you all. I feel terrible for all that is going on and what each of us is having to go through. I too worked full time for 38 years and this is the first time I have had to apply for Covid19 unemployment benefits. It has been a harsh process and must mention the uncertainties that have been created during the silent waiting period from EDD, topped along side the anxiety, which I have never felt before like now. Calling our State’s officials is useless. Most are not available for calls since they are “sheltering in place.” Good for them. Hoping
            Our California Democrat leaders are enjoying their gourmet ice cream during their vacation from doing absolutely nothing for their citizens, who cannot even afford peanuts right now ! Stay strong out there…reconsider who you consider to re-elect in November. Californias must make the change in their leadership selection in order to make the positive change for us in times like this. I’m waiting and waiting….but may just need to go work in the fields if I do not get $$$ soon. I hear the farmers are in need of workers. Not to proud!!

        • Darlene Estrada

          I applied in March, they entered my ssn wrong so I had to send proof of my identity its been 2 months they still haven’t fix it, I call and call and call every single day nothing. I’m exhausting my funds and will basically end up homeless because of their enabling to do their job correctly. I’m wondering if a lawsuit can be done this is ridiculous.

          • Darlene

            sorry j meant inability to do their jobs.

          • J

            Reading all these comments and situations sadenss me! I send my respects to all! But I least I feel better knowing I’m not the only one not getting my money from edd! I’ll try the number and see what’s going on with a tech 2. God bless!

      • DARRELL Robins

        I.just received mines 2 days ago it took 3 weeks they back paid me $6,07983 your gonna get it, it just takes time.

        • Shannon Brown

          I applied in march and was disqualified for what idk no mail no nothing for months a week ago called 8339782511 as soon as the voice hit 110 if she says thank you hang up and try again until you hear all agents are busy then hold you will talk to someone…I called about 17 times over the last 8 days and finally yesterday she called and said she backdated my claim I certified yesterday for 12 weeks its says paid but not on my card yet …keep trying keep calling

        • Sonia Arias

          I certified my 2 weeks on June 21st 2020 and it shows pending and today is june 23rd

          • Chrissy

            I certified on a June 21 too and still pending today on June 23. I’m currently on hold. Took the advice of trying until the voice said all agents are currently busy.

          • Sonia Arias

            can you please let me now what would they say?

          • casey

            Same for me.. It says pending and zero amount authorized.. Before it would show the amount and pending and would process in a day..

          • eve rivas

            i been getting paid for two straight months and i certified like i have been and this sunday 21 all of a suden it says pending and didnt get paid . any one else going threw this

          • Kathy Lopez

            Yes, I was a little stressed thinking I did something wrong but it seems there is a problem with their system. I’ve always certified the Sunday the weeks become available and gotten paid by Monday. This time it’s been 4 days and it’s still pending. I hope they fix this soon. At least there’s a few of us and therefore more likely that this is a glitch.

          • Karen

            Same here! I pray everyone will get their money. God bless us all!

          • Fernanda

            It happened the same to me; I certified the 21st /2020 and still pending with $0 authorized. I called today and they told me that it is maybe because I am a preschool teacher but they couldn’t transfer me with someone that could help and they were not sure what happened. Is somebody in the teaching field that is experiencing the same?

          • Gene

            I talked to unemployment today, they said it’s because one certification period the certifying question of whether I was too sick to work was answered in the affirmative and somehow that halted my benefits so I’m now on a review list that they say will take minimum 10 days and to just keep checking UI online for any update. Two fucking months, no notice, no letter, no email, nothing. Just dropped off and honestly I don’t care how many people are applying it’s the fucking state. They could have it analysts set up automated emails to notify you when you do get put on a halt list. It’s just ineptitude at its finest. Not to mention the times I’ve called in after hours of not being able to get through and some petty fuck decides to just hang up on you. Honestly people today especially some in the civil service field think they can do whatever they want. I’ve emailed my local representatives in California regarding this and I emplore anyone else having these issues to do the same. No shitty customer service rep for unemployment should have the right to hang up on anyone. If it was a corporate gig they’d likely lose their job for even doing it once.

          • Theresa

            The same thing happened to me! I had covid during March & April and was fighting for my life; of course I reported I couldn’t seek work. (although I am self employed and Edd said we didn’t have to do this) , they put a hold on my claim and only a supervisor can remove it. I have not received a notice of a tele appt w/ supervisor. I have spoken to many reps and they have told me they sent my status up the chain for the last 3 weeks. I can’t get through to the # during the day and my claim is just stuck. Wtf?

          • Alan Behrens

            Are you a school employee? I have had the same issue since the week ending 6/13. I worked as a substitute teacher but it stopped being my primary source of income since 10/19.

      • unknowk

        well next time think twice before you guys let a virus go and this wont happen we didnt start this covid 19 shit

        • Amanda Baum

          I now have 14 weeks of benefits certified, but nothing paid… I was patient at 5 weeks, irritated at 8, frustrated at 11, but now I feel down right hopeless, and I know I’m not alone.

          • John Janes

            Hi Amanda. Mine is 16 weeks pending, but I read somewhere that as long as you receive a confirmation# you’ll get paid eventually. Just some optimism. Hang in there

      • Ruthie Gutierrez

        I have 18 weeks pending and since that new no freeze thing went into effect i have received 2 1-week payments once on a friday once on a Tuesday, thats 16 weeks I’ve still got pending someone needs to do something I’ve wrote them countless times never got a response i call and call no answer. This is seriously ridiculous.

    • Chad McNerney

      7 weeks here. I’ll be forced to join the homeless tent camp in front of city hall pretty soon. They sent a useless debit card in under a week.

      • Teresia Jansson

        I know of someone who has waited seven weeks and still nothing! It’s absolutely ridiculous that there’s no way for people to talk to a live person at EDD when there are questions about delays of funds like yours and others going on 6-8 weeks! Such delays without explanation is completely unacceptable and SO VERY HEARTLESS of EDD when there’s such an urgent financial need! The local press needs to keep reporting on this issue to bring it to light!

        • Anonymous

          I applied March 20th, and have yet to receive payment. I fell under the False Statement Category, but qualified for PUA, due to the circumstances behind my lay-off. I’m beyond disappointed in this process. I’ve spoken with two EDD representatives and all they can tell me is that my status is listed as re computation. They haven’t received my PUA form that they mailed me. I mailed this back nearly 2 weeks ago. Get your crap together. You are toying with people’s lives. We earned this money why are we waiting around to be paid. We should be given direct access to this when times such as this calls for it PERIOD! Another reason why I don’t like dealing with banks. Who are you to tell me when I can, or can’t take my money out, or the amount I want to take out ?

          • Teresia Jansson

            I’m glad that you at least were able to talk to EDD reps IN PERSON, because that’s a lot more progress than most on here who can’t get passed the recorded message stating the EDD are too busy to answer their phones. You’re so right about the EDD messing with people’s’ life, it’s just not right and so unfair.

          • John Randell

            I was fortunately granted unemployment a week after filing however as of last week my payments stopped they went from paid to pending? Any idea as to why ?

          • Kenneth King

            It’s June 8th, I’ve been waiting since April 11th…
            Sad we’re all “Delayed” in receipt of our benefits although EDD has “ramped-up their ability to deal with the increase in applications…” live of BS from the EDD!
            On the other hand, glad to ‘feel’ I wasn’t alone in experiencing a long delay in receipt of my $$$.Frikkin’ Bureaucrats! We all know they could do better!
            to Gavin Newsome: We’ll remember this on Election day!

        • Mohammad samara

          So far I been waiting for 13 weeks for my payment
          I send the EDD several emails with no response

          • Greg barrios

            After a month waiting finally got through to them on the phone asking fme me for a copy of residence and picture of Identification or licence

          • Lawrence Case

            I cannot believe what we are hearing on the news about us receiving our monies and it’s all lies. We are not and have not received anything. Did you finally get your money?

          • Jeremy Smith

            I’ve received one payment for the week ending on March 28th and have certified up until 06/14/2020. Every week says spending which I believe are 11weeks in total. I have a 3 year old and am now facing homelessness…this is absolutely ridiculous! I’ve talked to our states assembly man as well with no results…but I have the edd debit card! Yay! ?

        • Matt S

          8 weeks after filing and being approved, and still no payments. I certify, and nothing. Next Sunday will be my 10th week of being approved and getting nothing.

          I’m not sure what to do… reading everyone elses similar stories, my heart goes out to you. This is a fucked situation for sure.

      • Kayla


        • Lindsay

          You may need to log in & check your inbox on the EDD website – this happened to me because I hadn’t certified for the weeks that I was expecting payments. I don’t think your inbox on their site automatically links to your e-mail because I didn’t get any e-mail notifications- I just was spending hours trying to figure it out in the database realizing it’s hard to read things when a gray or frustrated so I got calm and took some deep breaths and I realized on the home page after I logged in i saw that I had unread messages in the inbox… they were prompting me to ‘provide certification’ for those weeks of unemployment which basically means you answer the questions they give you about your unemployment situation and prove that you are eligible for employment and you looked for work without getting hired and state the employers you sought to work for OR you tell them why you haven’t looked for work. Once you finish the line of questioning you have to complete, your pending payments *should* go thru within a couple of business days or on the next date they issue your payments.

          It’s obviously not the best possible system because if you’ve never been on unemployment you may not even understand all the processes involved- but you have to basically re-explain your need for payments before each pay period in order to keep receiving them *AND* you have the option to check a box if you want them to withhold federal taxes from each check. If you do not check that box then you will get more money but you will also have to pay federal taxes on it come April 2021… all unemployment checks are subject to federal tax (unless you have a good accountant who can see if you’re able to work around that)… when you answer the questions on the site I recommend using a computer instead of a phone or tablet- the mobile site will still take you to the full site for the certification process (question-answering) but the web site is so much better on the computer if you can use one… and take deep breaths so you can pay attention to detail and get through the process- it can be tricky if you aren’t familiar with it. It’s silly that they don’t just word things in a way that makes sense to people instead of all that tricky language and formality BS. I worked for some time as a legal assistant and still found myself having to read some of the questions two or three times to make sure I was choosing the right answer. If you need to change and answer on a previous page of questions – DONT USE THE Function on your browser (the ‘back’ arrow that takes you to the last web page you were on) to go back to the previous page on the certification questions part of the EDD website!!!! It will generate an error and you will have to start all over again. Instead: Use the button/tab that says PREVIOUS at the bottom of the current page you’re on. This will make sense once you’re looking at it…

          They SHOULD connect the EDD web site to send messages to your e-mail and there might be a way to do that which I just didn’t see… but I really hope this all is helpful and I hope you get your money soon. It’s really frustrating and I have felt your pain so I really hope this all helps. Don’t forget the tip about buttons ON the EDD website to navigate to previous pages or it just adds to the frustration. Good luck!

          • Poorbastard

            Geeze. none of that was relevant

      • ECB

        8 weeks here too! My emails continue to go unanswered and the Specialists are calling me back! Its incredible how the non American citizens are getting stimulus checks when Americans are struggling and can’t even get unemployment benefits! Our government cares more about illegals than the welfare of it’s own citizens! We have a treasonous and tyrannical government and American citizens are allowing this to happen! Scary times!

        • PissedOff

          I AGREE 100% !!!! I applied on MARCH 15th! its now JUNE 1st . Ive certified each time and all certification say PENDING !!!! WTF! I try everyday the stupid 1 800 number from 8a to noon and can NEVER get through. My industry won’t start back up until next year! They expect us to look for work when no one’s hiring!!!

          • Ce

            Just one more person adding that Ive been trying to get help but cannot get through. My cell phone was turned off for non payment and my credit cards are maxed out because my kid needed food and Ive been laid off since early March. Now I find myself physically sick from stress. I cannot hang on much longer.

          • Cecelia

            Just one more person adding that Ive been trying to get help but cannot get through. My cell phone was turned off for non payment and my credit cards are maxed out because my kid needed food and Ive been laid off since early March. Now I find myself physically sick from stress. I cannot hang on much longer.

          • Jill Dietz

            Hi Cecelia!
            I’m sending to you and you can pass it on ok? Here is a link to this guy on YouTube tells you Watch “GET YOUR CALIFORNIA UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIM PAID. Bypass EDD’s Busy Message & Speak to a Live Person” on YouTube
            https://youtu.be/iy-R3BqDTVk to get ahold of unemployment
            So what you do when you do get a hold of someone ask them if they are a level 1 or level 2 operator? I guess the level 1’s only can help with technical issues BUT you can always ask that person if they could get you to a level 2 operator and I hate to say this but it did work for me cry cry cry cry make them feel sorry for you lol lol and be as sweetie candy! Lol lol I was 8 weeks pending as soon as I talked the operator at unemployment next day I had my money! I’m so sorry you are going through this not one of us deserves this good luck and remember the phone lines are open 8am to 8pm and I think on the weekends to? It may take 50 trys to get through but you will get through its not like the 800 300 5616 you can’t get though at all
            Jill ?

          • Jill Dietz

            Watch “GET YOUR CALIFORNIA UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIM PAID. Bypass EDD’s Busy Message & Speak to a Live Person” on YouTube

          • Sheryl Pena

            I don’t even get the recerts b.s. it says right on their EDD website that you didn’t need to certify. I could never even get it to let me! I, I, I, don’t know what to say or do anymore.

      • Gene

        Yeah imagine that, they can manufacture a plastic card with tour name on it faster than they can digitally transfer money into it. No but really it’s all just delaying to retain. If you don’t get paid now it’s ok because someone else will be and we can get you next time, fuck that. We have kids and homes to retain and to nurture. We have been working often for years, decades without needing unemployment and now? Well despite paying into it for as long as many of us have we are told to wait in our debt and with evictions and bill shut offs looming. We are told they are doing everything they can even as these service reps talk to you like your a piece of trash they get to kick around. We are told they recently improved their services even though just like always it still takes hours to get through and more hours to actually speak to someone but seconds to be disconnected on a ego trip that no one bothers to check these apathetic EMPLOYED angry people. Fuck California and fuck taxes. You do the right thing for years and how do you get rewarded? In every measure of disrespect the state can levy against you without public outcry as a result. His is why I don’t vote, I don’t do jury duty, and I never sign petitions or contribute to ballot legislation, they’re gonna do whatever and the more invested you are when they flip it on you the more outrage you have to find a way to stifle and carry on being traleated like shit while they proudly claim they are doing everything they can. No, they most certainly are not.

    • Nataly Jones

      I’m on the same boat! It’s aggravating. My husband and I have been living off our savings. Thank God for that! We have applied over 8 weeks ago with NO payments whatsoever. They are processing extensions to people on the system and have failed to recognize those who have been waiting for 8 weeks!

      • Teresia Jansson

        Yes, it’s true, they’re processing extensions and also paid out already to those who didn’t file for PUA until it opened on 4/28–how is that possible those filers have already received their two first weeks of benefits when people like you and your husband and my friend who filed in March have received zero, not as much as an explanation! It’s SO unfair. I’m on here because I’ve loaned my friend $1,500 so she can stay afloat and feed her child, and because she’s too shy to go on here in public but I’m not! We have the same rights as everyone else! The very least the EDD can do is to give an explanation as to why there’s no benefit money coming in but they don’t even bother doing that, so deameaning, and instead leave people feeling completely hopeless. I hope your family gets help very soon, hang in there!

        • Robert Kasberger

          I had tried to get through dozens of times per day for weeks. This morning I was finally able to speak with a rep. I did not receive any real answers as all they could say was, “Not sure why you have not been paid. You should have been.” However, I found it is possible to reach someone, even if it’s out of sheer luck.

          • Kayla

            I heard if your able to get through to anyone they can’t tell you anything about pending payments or status of benefits!? I’ve tried for weeks, first message I emailed them was April 17th right after I lost my job and it says they will reply within 5-7 calendar days.. I’m still waiting.. over a month now.

        • Sheryl Pena

          I am listening to abc live right now. It’s about EDD and answering questions. It still is bullshit.
          There are too many of us that haven’t got paid yet or gotten any responses to our questions. I wondering if to reapply?? This is causing peoples lives to get even worse. WHAT TO DO??

    • AJ

      It’s been 8 weeks for me as well . I was approved fairly quick but have not heard anything since . UI online is no help , phone reps are impossible to reach . All this information keeps coming out about what they are doing/going to do but none of it matters honestly. Millions are still with out pay , with out information. Nobody should be waiting over a month for benefits. Especially right now , we all deserve back pay at this point . If our application were filed
      and accepted in March and still no payment has been sent out then GIVE US BACK PAY FOR ALL THIS TIME WE HAVE BEEN WAITING .
      Cali needs to cut a fat check to all of us who lost our jobs due to covid and no fault of our own . Some one needs to do something NOW. How much longer am I going to have to wait ?

    • David Montanes

      I’ve been waiting 4 weeks and still haven’t heard nothing I to am a native Californian and I just sent an email to state assembly woman Monique Limon I hope she gets these people on the ball!!,this is ridiculous to say the least!!,I got no money at all coming in this is a disaster and Governor Newsome said he got thousands of more people to help with the avalanche of claims well you could of fooled me!!

    • Brent

      I’m in the same boat 6 weeks and “0”. I’ve tried calling only to hear they are to busy and that they have added all kinds of new services. That have done me no good whatsoever! This is insane. All I get is angry and confused. I wished I could say I expect more. Unfortunately I don’t! I’ve learned to expect horrible service from my government! I don’t like it. But I expect it.

    • Lawrence Case

      I agree and have been waiting too

    • Darlene Estrada

      I applied in March, they entered my ssn wrong so I had to send proof of my identity its been 2 months they still haven’t fix it, I call and call and call every single day nothing. I’m exhausting my funds and will basically end up homeless because of their enabling to do their job correctly. I’m wondering if a lawsuit can be done this is ridiculous.

    • Gene

      Same. Seven weeks now, I don’t have food or cash for anything. Bills, phones, rent, nothing. How am I suppose to find work if I have no money for gas even if I find something?? I have kids!! This shit is unacceptable because none of our California reps are dealing with being this fucking broke.

    • Heidi Madison

      I have been waiting for 14 weeks worth of payments back to March 12th, I have been approved and never was paid. I am unable to certify biweekly or get through to anyone. I call 5 days a week from 8 am to 12 pm and never get through to anyone. I have emailed them as well no response.

    • Juan Garcia

      I was laid off March 16 I just received my second full check on 6-22 -20 what about the retroactive pay since march 16th come on edd come on California get you stuff together please help someone help me greaser31099@yahoo.com contact me please

    • Theresa

      I’m wondering if there will come a day when I receive a call from a EDD Supervisor. I’ve been calling the # since 5/4 when my claim was put on hold bc I reported I had COVID-19 in March, nothing since then. How do you expect me to meet any obligations when I cannot even speak to anyone to resolve the problem. I’m glad for those who have and are receiving this much needed monies, however, I wish I were one. I’ve made nearly 2,000 calls w/ out speaking to a person.

      • Jill Dietz

        Hi Theresa,
        Ok this is what you can try call 833-978-2511 and when you hear the voice immediately hit 12 real fast if you get a recorded voice that say they have reached their limit hang up and do it again it might take 10 or 15 trys just be persistent when you finally get a hold of them ask if they are a level 1 or level 2 operator level 1 can only help you with technical stuff level 2 can help you with your unemployment and that phone number is good from 8am till 8pm I believe everyday of the week if not then m-f thats how I got my money I was 8 weeks behind and you will get ALL your back pay if the level 1 operator answer just beg cry or whatever you have to do and ask them if they could please put you in contact with a level 2 operator good luck i will pray for you to get through!

        • Theresa

          Tha k you so much. I will try right now!

          • Theresa

            Hi Jill, I called last night and was able to get through, however, the rep said she couldn’t help me and only a supervisor is or could. I started calling the other # at 6am this morning so I could already be in the cue when 8 am arrived . As soon as I put my ss# in at 7:59am, it said “ due to the # of callers already waiting, please call back later”. How is that possible? This is crazy

        • Theresa

          Thanks again. I was able to get through and spoke with a rep. There are no tier 2 people on this line. She wasn’t able to assist me and encouraged me to keep trying the other # from 8-12noon. She did send a message to the next level but I’ve had that done at least twice already. I will let you know what happened when I have something to report.

        • Daniel

          Jill, did the level 1 rep connect you to a level 2 rep or did you have to wait for a phone call from them? If so, what was your wait time on the level 2 call back? I’m sorta in the same boat. Waiting on a “Claims Specialist”(level 2 Rep) to call me back. Per Rep 1 it was a pending issue she wasn’t able to click on.

          • Jill Dietz

            It did take about a week but I would call back I would call back instead of waiting it couldnt hurt right? Good luck

    • Naree Lansing

      I applied in March and it’s been 4 months and I still haven’t gotten my payments! I have an infant to care for. This is absurd

    • Nini

      I am Amazed how people who has never worked or paid taxes in 15 yrs saying they are out of work , collecting unemployment. I have worked for the last 30 yrs. It has been 8 weeks and my case is pending. I call they say they will fix the error. Meanwhile these fraudulent individuals are living their best life. Bragging about how they got over on the system. It took 2 weeks . No background checks. Old enough to have work for at least 20 yrs or more with not one dime paid in taxes. How can this be? I am having to scrape up to pay some of my bills because the government is aging them first. They get foodstamps and cash aid along with unemploymen boy you make it easy for them . I am disappointed . I am tired of people slipping thru the cracks. This is a slap in the face for people who deserves help and not getting it. I am tired of waiting for my claim to process. I am getting anxiety. I got through twice to edd. They said they would fix my paperwork. Its still the same. Speechless

    • Mark Kovling

      Not that this will make you feel better, but i have the same problem. I d the certifications as required and even e mailed edd 7 timed with no response. We cant be the only ones

    • Cindy Chaney-Santos

      My husband has been certifying on time, no mistakes and from the beginning unemployment is only paying him for every other week. So for every 2 weeks he certifies for, he gets paid one and the other says not paid. This is rediculous. Now we noticed that some of the weeks they want certified are overlapping. Why can’t they get this system fixed? No one answers the emails, we can’t get a hold of anyone. They owe him 9 weeks! How are we supposed to get this fixed?

      • Kenneth King

        I re-opened a UI claim April 11th, 2020, sign every two weeks, no mistakes, STILL WAITING for my 1st check and today’s date is JULY 22, 2020… 14 weeks and STILL WAITING!
        they’ve ‘Ramped-Up” their procedures to better serve our needs? I Doubt it !
        There’s a Recall Petition for Gavin Newson, SIGN IT!
        Nazi Pelosi is due for re-election in November, 2020 Vote for anybody else but her
        G Newsom is Pelosi’ Nephew. They don’t give a F-Ck about us…

    • Brandon

      I’ve been waiting 16 weeks and still waiting for my payment why do they keep brushing me off everytime I talk to someone????

    • Felipe Rivera

      Hopefully someone can give me advice or help with my issue.
      I currently am about to run out of my UI award money but my claim year does not expire until Jan. 2021, what should i do to get an extension what happens next i’m literally frightened because this Sunday i certified as usual and oddly i did not get notified right away when to check back for certification weeks available. Does this lean i’m done? If so i don’t understand i should still have about 3 more weeks for my award money to be $0. Please anyone with knowledge on the subject i am asking for your help thanks.

    • cristina COWAN

      I agree I’m on the verge of losing my car I had two jobs and am an essential worker at one of the them. It’s part time and without my other job that’s pays way more I’m struggling to pay my Bill’s. I’ve emailed as well to all statesmen and nothing. One thing I know is that they are not here for the people!

    • Raymond Martin

      So did you finally get your benefit payments? How long did it actually take to get them? I have 7 weeks of payments “pending” and have tried to call Edd I don’t know how many times and any advice would be appreciated.

      • Thereda

        I started getting paid after 10 long weeks

        • Charles Wallace

          So did the card just showed up?

          • Mark Kovling

            Im right with ya! I got a letter of approval june 2. I got my money aug 27. Now im disqualified all of september and october. Why? Dont know. I dont think the right hand knows what the left hand is doing

    • Irma

      Hello I’m new here hope someone can answer my question : Hear it goes- I applied for EDD PUS on 7/27/20 on 7/31 recd Award letter -in 8/1/20 recvd 12 time sheets /clarification on 8/3 mailed them out on 8/7/20 recvd BOA card I activated it and recvd first payment of $1,500- a week after checked benefits I called said they couldn’t find my timesheets that I was disqualified because I put wrong date on app I put 2/23/20 IT should of been 2/27/20 So I have to appeal it what do I write on my appeal letter so I won’t completely denied

    • Patricia Flores

      I’m an essential worker and contracted Covid at my job yet Edd has yet to send me anything! It’s still on pending. Please people help me! Help everyone out!!

    • Priscilla L Alvarez

      Im trying to find out pleasee whts going on w my benefit s. Someone’ got a hold of my personal information nd my edd account info was change my addres nd my edd. Bank card was cancelled nd request to be sent to another address im homeless w 5 kids. Im servly depress. U can please help me. I would appreciate it so much

  2. Norlito Agriam

    Is the 13 weeks PEUC extension benefits include the $600 from the government?

    • mike

      I hope so. I’m expecting it to be, as it is indicated on the EDD website that any extension will begin immediately after the regular claim runs out and will go for 13 weeks. HOWEVER, the $600/week is good only until July 2020 unless Congress approves another extension. See the Covid XVIIII page on the EDD website for more info.

      • Michele

        Self employed, filed for benefits IMMEDIATELY refused back in March, can’t get through on the phone and have sent several emails, nothing. I don’t know who is getting benefits perhaps government people who were furloughed!!!! No one I know.
        9 weeks and counting.

        • Kenneth King

          You can appeal ! they’ve probably not sent you anything, you can claim “constructive denial” of Benefit for which you’re lawfully entitled!

  3. Elizabeth L Moore

    I would like to if I can reply because I was Denied Unemployment! Can you help me please ?

    • SBee92

      Yes you can. You will be sent a letter as to why you were disqualified and submit paper work along with the appeal letter and it takes about 2 weeks to process.

  4. Elizabeth l Moore

    I would like to know can I reply for unemployment because denied 6mths ago!mlizz95@yahoo.com
    Thank you! Can I reply?

    • Abriana

      I haven’t received any payment in 6 weeks. I Was approved for unemployment due to my job closing because of the pandemic. I received my first check April 5. And that was my last only check. I have 4 pending payments. I’ve called EDD over 100 times in one day. I call every day and email them. No response. I have two children to take care of and bills to pay. I am so stressed out. I’m getting down to the last penny in my savings.

      • Tim

        Down to my last $150 with a $350 electric bill and $130 water bill already behind..doom and gloom is starting. Not including car payment and insurance. Definitely on the fence. Approved unemployment but just pending pending now 1 month unable to contact to rectify. Sad

      • BigL

        You may need to log in to Edd online and check your inbox- you may have pending certifications for payments for those weeks you’re still waiting for – it happened to me and I didn’t get an e-mail so after hours of trying to figure things out I realized there was messages in the Edd online inbox – you would think they would link it to the e-mail you provide but they don’t. Once you complete certifications for each of the weeks you haven’t been paid, the money should come thru within like 3-5 business days. Good luck!

        • Audencio Marquez

          I can’t log into my EDD. I filed almost 4 weeks ago. I haven’t even recieved a claim form

          • Gregory olmos

            The problem dath I have I don’t remember my username or password and Edd dozen send.me a letter or nothing

          • Cynthis

            Same for me! I’ve certified for 6 weeks of benefits, all statuses say “pending”. I’ve emailed, I’ve called and have received absolutely no communication whatsoever as to why I have gotten $0 so far! I’ve been waiting for a miracle like the people who suddenly wake up with money in their accounts but I’m running out of savings, and food! I have a 3 year old and I’m 4 months pregnant! This is scary! And there are no jobs around either! I’m getting to the end of my rope…. California needs to do something, and fast

      • A. Olalde

        Did they ever get back to you? Did you get your backpay? I applied March 18, got my edd customer# few days later via email. Spent the next week’s checking every day for no news. Nothing. Then I got paperwork in mail saying my benefit amount was zero. I reapplied after edd told me it was because of the pua program not being automatically generated after all. So applied again and got backpay over 3000 and then two biweekly checks. All of a sudden NOTHING!

        I was contacted a few weeks ago by a worker who needed my income from my second job Lyft. The first was Uber. She said it was going to increase my payment. I sent back everything she requested but never heard back from her again.

        Then I got two weird statements in this mail that were from the overpayment department but that showed I was underpaid by about 9 bucks a week.

        Meanwhile I’m certifying and doing everything I’m supposed to do and then last Sunday BAM… Payment doesn’t arrive.

        Suddenly my case has totally changed… The total claim amount went from being just under 5k to being $ 2900! Also the weekly payment changed from saying 167 to 176 and instead of showing the amount of upcoming check it now has a zero and says pending where before it would say 1534( two weeks worth) and shows as pending status.

        I spent two hours on hold and finally got someone who told me that I qualified for regular unemployment so they were switching me from PUA to regular UI. She said the zeros would update to the right amount and they had 10 days from when I certified to process the changes.

        I don’t understand why they’re switching me anyway because the only way I was able to get PUA in the first place was by applying for regular UI and being denied. Then I was allowed to apply for PUA, not before then. So how is it that now I’m suddenly in the wrong program?

        Has anyone else had this problem?

    • Amanda

      I’m 28 weeks pregnant got denied sent in my paper work they needed then applied for PUA got approved but what’s strange I received my 1st two weeks and the Edd deducted the extra $600 from my actual benefits when their not supposed to so now I have less benefits I’m totally confused. I’ve been off work 8 weeks with no answers.

      • Rebecca Terry

        I got approved for benefits . Got my edd card and my first payment on April 28.. haven’t received anything since !!! I’ve tried calling everyday for weeks and left emails and voicemails. Nothing . I got my paperwork with my EDD customer account number (ten digit number ) try to login to UI online . It says my information doesn’t match their records and what I am required to put in is (MY NAME . MY BIRTHDAY. MY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, and MY TEN-DIGIT CUSTOMER ACCOUNT NUMBER ) so if it was put in incorrectly in the Edd office I don’t know but all my info is correct !!!!!

        • big bri

          unfortunately someone might have stolen your identity…start a fraud case…easier to get a hold of someone when it’s a fraud case…which is what it sounds like : (

        • Lindsay

          If you haven’t already- Check your inbox on the EDD website after you log in- if you have weeks of payments that you haven’t yet certified for- then they might not be sending thru your payment until you certify … that’s what happened to tons of people because it doesn’t send e-mail notification that you need to certify- and most people don’t know you even have to do it…
          if you’re like me and didn’t know what certification for each pay period is- you basically have to answer a bunch of questions in order to get each payment. Make sure you read them carefully and if you have to change your answers on a previous page- hit “previous” button at the bottom of the EDD page- do NOT use the back arrow on the web browser itself like you usually would to go to a previous page- or it will generate an error and you start all over again ? learned that the hard way. I really hope this helps I’m so sorry that you’re in this situation and I hope a solution comes if this wasn’t it. ?

      • Chris

        What did you have to send in? I’m 7 months pregnant and decided to leave my job due to Covid at the nursing home it’s just to risky. I left in March but didn’t know until last week that I can get unemployment, however I was denied and applied for PUA but all showing is pending. What paper work do I need to get ultrasound,doctors appt paper? Thanks

    • Kimma L.

      Elizabeth Moore- file an appeal form


    Given the current financial disaster ”time is of the essence”—-people need to know asap if assistance has been approved. Updates should be provided on line to let the claimant know the status of their account and the date they can expect benefits. These are not normal times. I was self employed with an inter net sales business—income went to zero—–currently providing child care for grandson because of school closing. I need a break! –THIS TOO WILL PASS.

    • David M

      I received two payments bi weekly as normal, my third payment should have been this past Monday. I was certifying my benefits the Sunday before payday through the website. When I logged in this past Sunday to verify it said certification had already been received. I didn’t think much of it, I just assumed my deposit would come through as normal on Monday, it is now Friday and I am still on pending. I’ve tried calling over 100 times at different times of the day with only the answering machine saying they’re too busy to take my call. I’ve left over 10 e-mail messages and no response. I too have upcoming bills at the end of the month and I’m nervous I will not be able to meet them if I am left on pending for weeks! Someone please do something and fix this ASAP, we’re not rich, we live paycheck to paycheck. We can’t afford to skip a few weeks while the government figures it out!

  6. Andrew

    Will the 13 week extension pay retroactively to when our regular UI benefits ended?

    • Red

      Don’t you worry, that 13-week extension won’t come into effect until the extra $600 a week expires. Did you forget who you’re dealing with? The CA govt is the worst of the worst.

      • Andrew

        Thanks for the reply but can you spare the disgruntled sarcasm? Do you have any solid information on whether the 13-week extension, once it finally kicks in, will cover weeks that we’ve missed since our regular benefits expired?

        Thank you in advance for any information you might have!

        • Amanda

          I’m 28 weeks pregnant got denied Edd because of their computer glitz I took it upon myself to send in my w2s and pay stubs heard nothing for 5 weeks resent in my paper work they needed then applied for PUA got approved but what’s strange I received my 1st two weeks and the Edd deducted the extra $600 from my actual benefits when their not supposed to so now I have less benefits I’m totally confused. I’ve been off work 8 weeks with no answers.

        • Red

          Supposedly you get the $600 until late July but this is coming from…wait for it…the CA govt. I believe nothing that comes from them. And “disgruntled” doesn’t tell the story. What’s going on with CA is complete BS. This is what happens when Leftists run a govt for decades. Pure incompetence.

          • J

            I actually think edd is portioning out the funds i have certified claims of 8 weeks no payments indicate pending if you received a id verification notice and sent documents back to them be prepared to wait 3 to 4 months edd reps can’t help you if its an id verification issue and the id verification department reps won’t call you and you can never reach them when calling Its all a money game until the next stimulus is approved if any.

        • nichole

          Andrew- my regular UI benefits ended the first week of May. I finally was able to get a hold of someone @EDD and they put in the extension for me. May 27th they said was date that letters would be going out to people about automatic extensions. ( I had a message in my inbox on UI online ) I kept checking back for information on available weeks to certify as they said. yesterday (the 29th) I was able to certify for 2 weeks back pay & says tomorrow I can certify for this pay period. the lady I spoke to said I will be paid for back pay for the weeks i haven’t been paid for since my claim ran out. YES the extra $600 is included in payment. that is scheduled to end in July.

          • Andrew

            Thanks all. Which number are you guys using to get through and what times during the day are you getting through?

          • Teresia Jansson

            Which number did you call and when? Glad your situation got straightened out.

  7. Cristina

    Am I reading the numbers right? For the last 9 weeks,
    Total applications submitted= 4.5 million
    Total applications processed = 4.7 million
    How can there be more applications PROCESSED than SUBMITTED? Something’s not right.
    If your numbers are right, then where’s my money?
    I haven’t received a single dollar nor any form of communication about my claim.
    Where did the .2 Million applications that were processed come from???

    • Lamarr Taylor

      I have been waiting for a month now to hear something regarding my unemployment. No updates on the website and I am never able to get through the customer service line no matter what time I call or how many times. This is extremely stressful and putting my family in a bad spot.

      • Marienelle Corpuz

        I have the same situation. I been email, fax and mailing them a letter about the status of my claim, and if there’s any problem with my application and I got no response. I’m tried of this. I thought they added 600 people to help processing claims and answersing phones for those people have a questions. I spent every morning to call EDD but right in there they were tell you that no one was able to answer your call! What a worst experience!

    • AJ

      There is a difference. Submitted means that people who filed applications were successfully received but not yet determined eligible. When edd “processes” a claim that means that the claimant was actually paid out.

    • Kayla

      I thought I was the only one that was seeing that and confused hahaha freak this is who we deal with

    • Barb

      I saw that and wondered, then realized “processed” probably means it has only been received on their end. As they are not paying out anybody. I have been waiting since April 11 filing date. Their crooked as shit and what transparency is there? None. They received the money, yet they are not paying it out to those who rightfully need it. CONTACT NEWSOM AND FILL HIS OFFICE WITH COMPLAINTS.

    • Adam

      The number is the one posted on the website which is ‭1 (833) 978-2511‬ but you can only get through to a representative if you call multiple times, but after selecting the language, you first hear the message telling you what would the representatives help you and then after few times, the second part of the message changes to “ all our representatives are busy, please hold on”. They usually answer after 20-30 min
      The whole process should take around 45 min to be able to get to someone.
      Good luck

  8. April Mae Sturdevant

    I verify my identity and i have 3 pending claims. Im wondering whats going on. I got my edd card and my first payment but after that first payment it is still pending until now. I already sent the documents to verify my identity. My employer is mad cause i am approved. I resign and its no fault of my own (moved with spouse). She threatened me to file fraud against me. What do i have to do? I am tellong the truth and i have all the documents.

    • mike

      Stick to your guns. You will probably be scheduled for a phone interview. Have all your information committed to memory, especially anything that sounds like the list of potential questions that they send to you with the notice. EDD staff are trained to discern the truth; I had an employer switch up on me after I filed an OSHA on them, and I won because I was really mad about it and it came through to the interviewer. There is no substitute for being in the right!

    • Sean nguyen

      If they paid you the first payment why ask for identity verification. Call 1833-978-2511 and ask to be put on a call back they usually call you back within 3 days. Good luck

      • Jessica Harper

        That 833 phone number does nothing from the time they open at 8:01am till they close at 7:59pm it only tells you that they are too busy to help you. They’re is no WSU to actually contract EDD anymore!!! I’ve left 10 messages online over last 2 months and not one single response. I’ve contacted Fox News and Rep. McCarthy. I’m sick of us people not having a voice.

        • Sheryl Pena

          I am listening to abc live right now. It’s about EDD and answering questions. It still is bullshit.
          There are too many of us that haven’t got paid yet or gotten any responses to our questions. I wondering if to reapply?? This is causing peoples lives to get even worse. WHAT TO DO??

        • Adam

          The number that works is
          1 (833) 978-2511‬ but you can only get through to a representative if you repeatedly call until the second part of the voice mail changes from “representatives can’t take your call” to
          “all our representatives are busy, please hold on”. They usually answer after 20-30 min. The whole process should take around 45 min to finally talk to someone.
          Good luck

          • PissedOff

            I get a response all the time saying no one can take my call and to call back later, then it hangs up!!

          • Jill Dietz

            That phone number does NOT help with claims only with technical things its a complete joke!!!!!!

      • Len Johns

        Hmm, all I get when I call that number is a recording that says they can’t answer the call and to try again later. I’ve tried different times of the day and in the evening after the line closes.

        • Teresia Jansson

          The EDD is not answering in person on any of their phone numbers so it’s impossible to get clarification on what’s holding up the payments—the recording on all numbers state they’re too busy to take calls and then hangs up on you. Many residents have been waiting two months after receiving the initial approval and still nothing. It’s a terrible way of EDD to treat people in need, hugely disappointing.

          • Fidel Perez Cano

            I exhausted my benefits on may 17 2020 and still unemployed and I need an extension badly I really hope u guys can help me

    • John Fabela

      I’m in the same situation

    • Bridgett Allen

      I am in the same boat. Its been 8 weeks. I sent back the verification docs over 6 weeks ago. I have 6 weeks pending. I’ve tried calling over 500 times and can’t even get on hold. I’ve sent several emails. Let me know if you have any luck.

      • ECB

        Same here! I sent back my verification docs over 6 weeks ago too. I also faxed it over 3 weeks ago. Still nothing. Can’t talk to anyone at the verification phone number! Makes me wonder if they are even taking any calls. California continues to fail! It is absolutely unacceptable how they are treating us!

      • Jill Dietz

        I think we should all protest in the streets for unemployment so maybe they will notice us!!!!!!

        • ZeAndre Chapman

          I agree 100%

  9. Red

    Yeah well we’ve been hearing about this PEUC extension for several weeks now and we’re still on the “We’re working around the clock and we’ll let you know” phase. UI online is still telling me I can’t apply until this December and I only recieved 13 weeks total UI payments over the winter. For all we know the cucks at EDD aren’t doing a damn thing. From what I can see almost no one can get any response from them. I’d expect nothing less from the CA govt. Bunch of liberal clowns, all of them.

  10. Jessica

    I applied for UI 2 months ago and I have 6 claims pending payment. With no correspondence from the department. Anyone else experiencing this long of a payment delay? I can’t get to them via phone and I emailed twice over 2 weeks ago with no response! I feel like I’m stuck in limbo.

    • Kelly A Whalen

      I have 4 weeks pending and still haven’t received a card or payment, just an award letter. Wondering also. Down to my last $130 ? I’ve searched for a way to contact them but no luck

    • Catherine Marcellino

      I have 8 weeks pending. I have sent multiple messages.

      • Jessica


        • Yvette

          I have been waiting 6 weeks to the receive my unemployment, I sent in my identity documents back in April that they told me I have to submit that I had to print myself online because they never sent me the forms, I email daily and I have yet to get a response back from EDD to let me know if the documents were received or not. I’m just sitting here in limbo wondering did they received the paper work, was I denied, will I get my unemployment tomorrow , next week, next month what the heck is going on???? Edd we need some answers please like asap.

        • Sheryl Pena

          I applied 9wks ago, got my paperwork a week after, I received my certify crap. I made my UI account and shows being disqualifed for first 2 weeks, checked the not looking working box, because we made to SIP. Since that have not heard shit from EDD in regards to anything. My benefit screen has not ever changed. I have contacted state leg. reps, and have 2 working on it now. praying it helps out. Its just been over a week since and they said it may take 2-3 wks. I also have my old BofA EDD card. I pray for us and our families, that this EDD shit gets their heads out their asses and get more people on phones 24/7…. or something.
          god bless!

          • Ira J Wagoner

            There is a short youtube video somewhere on this thread that basically gives you info on speed dialing your way into the 8339782511 number. It’s open 8am to 8pm. It took me 50x to get on hold to speak to an agent, about 30 minutes on hold. First agent was going to arrange a callback, when the call dropped. 2nd call, got a level 2 agent, she fixed everything in about 5 minutes, BofA mailed my card today! That was after 9wks waiting, and enlisting both of my state reps. Good luck, it can be done!

    • Julie

      Same for my daughter she received 2 payments from them and now her benefits are pending for the last 4 weeks she can’t get through to them on any of the phone numbers they have and no correspondence from them and she’s emailed them several times and they have not responded any of her messages .

    • ECB

      Same here!

      • Lucia

        Try this system it worked for us. Turns out they have a wrong information from the HR and we should never know. This video helped us ??????

  11. Danielle

    I feel like crying I just wrote a letter to edd saying UPDATE MY FILE! I have been waiting for 2 and a half months for payment. I hope they can’t disqualify me for something petty like that but I am just getting frusterated at this point I’m afraid I’ll never get paid.

    • Red

      Disqualify? Probably not. But will they simply “lose” your letters? Absolutely.

  12. Danielle

    I feel like crying I just wrote a letter to edd saying UPDATE MY FILE! I have been waiting for 2 and a half months for payment. I hope they can’t disqualify me for something petty like that but I am just getting frusterated at this point I’m afraid I’ll never get paid.

  13. Foung Vun

    I’m too waiting on the EDD pending my payment from March 15th I kept trying to call and of course machine told me “we’re here to help u” and I was like really yeah sure… tried emailing in the UI got nothing I am under the water at moment. So please someone help?

  14. Chico Burns

    My claim balance is now $0..My benefit year ends 10/2020….I got the extra $600 (4 times)prior to this week when my balance reached $0…So i think i was getting PUA or PEUA..I never applied..It just showed up in my regular payments(added)….Will i continue to get the $600? Will my claim be extended? Anyone know what i do next? My rent is due..And i guess in California we can still be evicted.. Anyone with info email me @ hhaterproof@gmail

    • nichole

      check your inbox on UI online on May 27 they were supposed to start the automatic extensions. you may have past weeks to certify for. log on to your account and check your inbox. and you should receive a letter in mail. The extra $600 was given to regular UI claims also & if you get extension it will continue with the extra $600 a week until July 31 I think

  15. David

    I’m in the same boat. Ran out of benefits . I received 600 bucks for 4 weeks, now it says I can’t reapply untill next year . I’m still unemployed , no more daycare , my 8 year old son not in school and I’m a single father with troubles finding work . Will they back pay the 600 a week for the weeks I’ve been waiting ? I can’t even re apply or so anything in system .

  16. David

    I’m in the same boat. Ran out of benefits . I received 600 bucks for 4 weeks, now it says I can’t reapply untill next year . I’m still unemployed , no more daycare , my 8 year old son not in school and I’m a single father with troubles finding work . Will they back pay the 600 a week for the weeks I’ve been waiting ? I can’t even re apply or so anything in system .

  17. David

    I’m in the same boat. Ran out of benefits . I received 600 bucks for 4 weeks, now it says I can’t reapply untill next year . I’m still unemployed , no more daycare , my 8 year old son not in school and I’m a single father with troubles finding work . Will they back pay the 600 a week for the weeks I’ve been waiting ? I can’t even re apply or so anything in system .

  18. Angie

    My brother lives in California. He applied for unemployment 8 weeks ago by mail. He had to do this because he worked in another state at the beginning of last year — which is ridiculous — should have been able to apply online. Anyway — he has not heard a word — no email, nothing posted online, and no correspondence through regular mail. This is so ridiculous. I mean what do they expect people to do. You can’t reach anyone by phone or any other method. This is really a sad situation. They need to get it together. They should have hired more people to process these claims and have a 24 hour phone line. This is unbelievable.

  19. Robert M Butler

    What a fucking joke the PUA shit is! After waiting for almost two months I finally get my EDD card, and only got paid $167. And the week after I got NOTHING!!! And my claim history says pending pending pending pending pending pending pending! WTF!!! WHERE IS MY MONEY!!! where is the $600 a week!??? I will never be able to do my Upholstery biz ever again! as I have so many bills and rent back pay to pay back! I have been homeless once! and I will be homeless again! all because the EDD system is so fucked up! and they really don’t care to help people! A lot of suicides are going to happen because of this! I have PTSD! I KNOW!!!!!!!!!

  20. Lac Nguyen

    I have applied twice for unemployment benefits and so far as got nothing from UI ONLINE or through mail about whether my claim has been approved or not. It has been over 2 months and I have not been able to pay majority of the bills which is getting more & more difficult has the days pass. Most of the people in my family have already received their benefits and their first two weeks of payment yet they applied around the same time that I did. Customer service is a dead end because they just hang up and the online service doesn’t do anything either. EDD needs to be updated & fixed!!!

  21. SBee92

    Has anyone recieved only 2 weeks worth and after that, have not recieved anything else anymore? I recieved a UI notification regarding a Union or employer if I recieved a notice I will not be able to recertify, but I have not recieved any of that. Frustrating how I have not recieved any income since March and EDD reps take at least a week to respond!

    • Danielle Smith

      I got my first bi weekly payment and now nothing. I didn’t get any mail, email, or call. I called over 300 times to get through the one and only time I’ve ever gotten through. Was told to send docs to verify my identity to a PO Box in Rancho Cordova. After doing that and tracking it. I wait and it’s been almost 8 weeks and I am still waiting. The reps don’t even respond to me. How are you getting a response? Teach me please.

  22. Jessica Harper

    I still have my card from prior, and I’ve certified for 8 weeks going back to 3/15. Been pending for 10 days. And EDD don’t respond to emails at all ive sent 10 messages over 2 months and not one response. I’m talking to Fox News about it now and I’ve wrote Rep. MCCARTHY. SO I PRAY SOMEONE WILL HELP US VOICELESS PEOPLE.

    • Cassandra Trujillo

      Ur a blessing I hope that this news cast can get the word out so the edd can start stepping up there shit it’s aweful and annoying some people really need it because of this Corinna virus and it’s sad that there not responding or fixing the problem I’ve talked to 3 different people 3 different times and they say different things every time

    • Cassandra Trujillo

      One lady told me that to give it time and I should get my payment ones said that there was probally a glitch and “forwarded my claim to her manager and I’d get a call back with long 7 days and the other one said that my identity verification was still in process but that don’t make sence because I sent it last month on the 14th and have already been paid for 2 weeks plus 2 weeks back pay so I don’t understand why it stopped paying and continues to say pending ?

  23. Delia

    I received my first weeks of my benefits but now I’ve certified for my benefits for like 4weeks now and it says pending pending pending I haven’t received anything from them stating why??? I emailed them several times and no response. I very stressed I can’t get through to them? someone please help I don’t understand why they would stop my payments

    • Jessica Harper


      • Ross

        I Filed 4/12 I still haven’t received a payment. My award letter said I had $4000. I’ve certified twice and still haven’t received a payment but I received my debit card the day after I got approved. I hope it comes sooner than later

      • AJ

        No what starts tmrw is PUA. Which is for people who could not apply for edd benefits before hand . It’s basically an extension of unemployment benefits for more people

    • Danielle Smith

      I called over 300 times to get through the one and only time I’ve ever gotten through. Was told to send docs to verify my identity to a PO Box in Rancho Cordova. After doing that and tracking it. It’s been almost 8 weeks and I am still waiting. Called and email every day. Can’t get through at all.

      • Jay

        My experience as well. I got the letter to please prove my identity. Sent it out on 4/21 and that was my last contact with the EDD other then certifying for benefits bi weekly. Just no follow up pay like everyone else here.

  24. Robert Kasberger

    I filed for unemployment benefits and was approved on 4/5/2020. I have certified every week and have yet to receive payment or even a debit card. All weeks simply display a “pending” status.

    The state seemed to have no issue in accepting my contributions to unemployment insurance as well as my taxes. I only ask that they extend that same level of urgency in giving some back in a time of need. At the very least they can make an effort to answer the phones.

    I love California and have lived here for 26 years. I consider it home. However, I feel I have lost all faith it it’s leadership.

  25. Elke

    I have filed for unemployment via mail 5 weeks ago. I am looked out of the online system and it does not allow me to reset the password. I refilled via mail and fax 2 weeks ago. I have tried to call for weeks. Is there anyone I can talk to?

  26. THE Ohio State

    We need to make California great again. Remember to vote RED in November!

    • tim

      it’s because of red we’re in this mess. re-elect donald trump, moscow mitch and all his enablers and you think it’s bad now just wait and see

      • Teri

        This would have been stopped/slowed down if we had a different President who didn’t call it a hoax and claimed it was just going to disappear. We should have been in China helping when this happened like we did with Ebola . . . Trump has burnt bridges to everything

        • Red

          “We should have been in China helping” LOL Are you serious? Like China would have taken any help. lmao We’ve been in a cold war with them for years already. You people are CLUELESS. I guarantee you voted for all the Democrats running this trash state. And Trump was on top of this since January. He never called the virus itself a hoax. The hoax was that it was his fault and he was right! You’re so gullible!

      • Red

        Tim, this crap has NOTHING to do with Republicans. The Dem’s have been running this state into the ground for decades and before this Covid bs the economy was BOOMING. You punk libs are still using the same crap you did in 2016, “just wait and see”. Look at every Dem run area, Democrats destroy EVERYTHING.

        • john

          Republicans are AGAINST most stimulus that help anyone making little $$$. Democrats are FOR stimulus. Republicans @ the Senate basically laughed at 2k/month, and barely will accept another $1200/month… “MAYBE”… just recently Republicans proposed a Capital Gains tax break … how convenient for the “rich”, just laughing at the “little people”.

          • Jill Dietz

            Your a stupid stupid stupid person if you think the president will help out with unemployment thats what this site is for not for political reasons

  27. Danielle

    I have applied for PUA benefits. It has been 3 weeks and I don’t even know if I have qualified. My family really needs the money.

    • Rana Abghari

      I’m in Seattle filed mid March now it’s 8 weeks yet to revive a single dime or any communications for UI!! I ck my acnt on daily basis and has uploaded all needed info, pay stubs letter from employer etc. I have called hundreds of times and after staying in hold 4/5 hrs each managed time to speak with a rep. I was promised the issue would be resolved with in a week of my call that way 2 weeks ago and now you can’t even get a rep in the phone!! It’s sickening.

  28. Jim

    I live in California I have a false statement penalty Weeks I severed and paid I have been waiting for the PUA letter they said it was coming on may 2nd Has anyone gotten the letter yet or know anything about it

  29. tim

    nothing here either. pending forever and clutch time is nearing fast. businesses are virtually closed and mostly just rehiring. houston we have a problem and it’s government caused.

  30. Jennifer Cain

    Ditto. Why is this TOTAL FAILURE OF EDD being ignored by the California press??? Like many others here, I qualified for benefits, beginning in MARCH, and have not received a dime. In fact, EDD’s “revamped” website has been a catastrophically useless place I visit daily… What was Gavin talking about with the big PUA website launch? Despite the fact that I qualified for the PUA 13 week extension of benefits, UI Online blocked me from applying until May 4th, 2020 (when a new option to apply suddenly appeared on my account page). Finally applied and no response for weeks. EDD’s failure to allocate EMERGENCY FUNDING from the CARES ACT is a frightening reality… I did not expect this process to be flawless, but if I am not alone, than this is a U-G-E disaster.

  31. Kathleen Armstrong

    My niece has been waiting over 8 weeks and nothing! This is an abysmal failure to communicate with those who have paid into this system and deserve at least a status update on why they have not been compensated. Governor’s office says call the EDD. Really? That’s it. I suggested that they will be losing a few votes over this. Should be in the news everyday at local level to put a fire under them.

    • Teresia Jansson

      Right?! What bothers me the most (aside from residents not receiving any benefits, of course) is that the officials just pass the buck with no solution! As if the people waiting haven’t paid their taxes like everyone else and are not entitled to the same right. We all know there are millions of people out of work so why doesn’t the EDD hire some of them to do the grunt work and put just a few of their experienced employees on the phones to talk to those who have more complex cases/haven’t received their benefits despite having filed way back in March. It’s deeply insulting to get a message from the EDD stating “We’re not answering our phones right now”, period, with no other solutions offered as if we don’t matter at all; I daresay the unfortunate ones who have been waiting since March to receive benefits would GLADLY stay in a waiting queue for hours, even days, at this point if it meant they would be able to talk to a real person in the end and get an explanation. 🙁

  32. Julie

    Me to so frustrating when rent and Bill’s are piling up.

  33. Jasmine

    I applied for unemployment benefits in Mid March. I have certified every 2 week for the last 8 WEEKS. No payment received. I have every single certification period at pending. I have not received any money whatsoever or my EDD Debit Card. I also have not received any information regarding whether or not there is an issue with my claim. I have called EDD over 200 times in the last month alone with no luck, same with sending them close to 30 emails since March, no response. It is beyond frustrating that all the information online has to do with things that don’t even apply to the current situation, if you can’t answer phones and answer emails. UPDATE YOUR INFORMATION FOR THE CURRENT CRISIS ONLINE!


    • Teresia Jansson


  34. Danielle Smith

    I applied for unemployment in End of February. They gave me my first payment and my first $600 in April. When I went to certify again it said pending so I called and posed as an employee before they shut that down. Lady on the phone got upset and claimed to have sent me mail on the 6th claiming that I had to verify my identity. I have every piece of mail from them but not that. Still to this day I haven’t received that paper. I’d like to point out that every piece of mail has a US postage stamp dated 2 to 3 weeks from UI letter inside. I think it’s funny how they put mail date on the paper/letter knowing that they aren’t sending to the post office on time. Well back to the story. Luckily for me she calmed down and gave me the address in Rancho Cordova to mail my docs in. Can’t email them or fax. I tracked it and it said that it was picked up by individual. That was 6 weeks ago. I have 6 pending certifications going on 8. No money, they are so focused on this whole self employment stuff that they said f the rest of us. They are overwhelmed but at lest they have a job and a check. What about the people who are going hungry and bankrupt. They hired people and put them on that 8 to 8 line but that line can’t help with getting us our money or fixing real issues. I was born and raised in Cali. How dare you fail us like this? Other states have ways to upload documents, we are supposed to be the best with technology. How dare you give me money and then ask me to verify after I went through the irs website. Be honest. I’m single, you know how much taxes you take away and don’t give back. Working two three jobs at times. I hope they all rot in hell for this. Making Poole commit suicide or hoping they do. Discuss those deaths on the news. F Cali governor for not ordering them to add a upload button. Just a walk as chat button that doesn’t answer any real questions.

    • Danielle Smith

      Excuse typos please

  35. Danielle Smith

    Excuse typos please

  36. Rosemarie

    After reading several posts on this page, I found a clear explanation of benefits on another page of the EDD site that may answer some of your questions. Note – there is an update on
    certification. (FYI – in California Unemployment Benefits are funded by a tax on employers, not employees. The Cares Act which authorized PUA is funded by the Federal government.)
    Here is the link for the information that follows:
    In order to provide benefits as quickly as possible, payments will be issued in phases. If you qualify for PUA, and depending on the effective date of your PUA claim, the initial payments you will receive are as follows:
    Phase 1
    $167 per week for each week you were unemployed from February 2, 2020 to March 28, 2020 due to a COVID-19 related reason.
    Phase 2
    $167 plus $600 per week for each week you were unemployed from March 29, 2020 to July 25, 2020, due to a COVID-19 related reason.
    Phase 3
    $167 per week, for each week from July 26, 2020 to December 26, 2020, that you are unemployed due to a COVID-19 related reason, up to a total of 39 weeks (minus any weeks of regular UI and
    certain extended UI benefits that you have received).
    An additional $600 will be added to each PUA weekly benefit amount as part of the separate CARES Act Pandemic Additional Compensation program. Only the weeks of a claim between March 29 and July 25 are eligible for the extra $600 payments. Under the CARES Act of 2020, the $600 additional benefits are available through July 31, 2020. However, the US Department of Labor has issued guidance to clarify that, for most Californians, the last full week of benefits will end on July 25, 2020. Similarly, the PUA program has a legislative end date of December 31, 2020, but
    for Californians, the last full week of benefits will end on December 26, 2020.
    Benefits can be retroactive to weeks starting on or after February 2, 2020, depending on your last day of work due to COVID-19 and regardless of when you submitted your claim application.
    The effective date of your claim will begin the Sunday of the week when you last worked and became unemployed due to reasons directly related to COVID-19.
    Note: If you qualify for your claim to be backdated to an earlier PUA effective date based on your last day of work, you could receive payment for prior weeks you were unemployed due to COVID-19.
    Once we are able to complete further programming, we will be able to increase the benefit amount to a maximum of $450 per week if you earned more than $17,368 in 2019. This page will be updated with instructions for reporting additional wages for higher weekly payments.

    • Danielle Smith

      For everyone on here, don’t be confused PUA gives people who already receive Edd benefits or who’s benefits are about to expire an extension. It’s also for people who don’t usually qualify for unemployment. This message isn’t for people who qualify under normal circumstances or who have been approved but have not received a thing. Nor is it for people with unexplained errors with there account that makes no sense. Or for people who can’t get through to anyone at all which is an issue in itself. This is how the idiots in the White House avoid answering questions and how they attempt to redirect people. But it doesn’t work because what you said doesn’t apply to a lot of people on here. Longest pile of horse shit covered outside of the White House is unemployment.

  37. Danielle Smith

    I applied, was approved, paid once, then nothing, no mail, just pending certification. I called beginning of April and posed as an employer (now can’t get through at all). Talked to rep and mailed docs to Rancho Cordova. Tracked it and I know it was picked up. Now going on almost 8 weeks of nothing. PUA blah. These huge delays/fails are making people homeless. Actual end date of first certification and payment was for weeks ending 3/28 to 4/04. Is there an explanation for that?

  38. Lucia

    What is more appalling is the lack of explanation in the website. There should be daily info updates there. So we don’t need to be calling lines that are overwhelmed. 8 weeks waiting in the currently situation is dreadful. Federal government failing miserably, state government not much better.
    The richest country on earth leaving the citizens to rot. It’s embarrassing this BANANA REPUBLIC.

    Maybe we should all get together and demand an explanation (safely obviously) if the system is crushing CHANGE the system. Do something else, use a different method. And BTW this money is not a charity from government, its money they took from my hard work….so stop behaving like its a favor. What are you all government people waiting for? For people start breaking things and ransack supermarkets? I’m not in any shape or form telling people to do any violent act, but if you don’t see this coming you are naive, desperation is a great motivator.

    • ECB

      I am desperate! It has been 8 weeks since I filed. I do not have any money for food now! They are leaving us with no choice but to take desperate measures to survive! I paid into the system and often had 2-3 jobs at one time. This money has been earned!

  39. Natalie Cook

    I’ve had the same frustrations and aggravations as everyone else has posted here. Each day I tried calling EDD with no luck. I also have emailed several times. Every day I tried to figure out what could I do to reach out to them. I even considered writing a letter and sticking it in the mail. I did call this number (833) 978-2511 and got through a couple times. I felt like I was brushed off as they told me someone from EDD would call in the next three days and no one called. I was persistent and finally got through to someone today at that phone number that could help. She said they have many people answering the phone that are not qualified and really can’t help so just hang up and call again. The first question to ask is are you are a UI specialist? I was lucky today when I got her on the phone because she was a UI specialist and she was able to go in the computer and correct my claim. Now I have certified all my benefits and will be getting a Bank of America card in the next few days. Don’t give up!! Keep calling. She said they have so many calls they can’t respond to the emails!!

    • Jay

      I too certified all my benefits. Got my bank of america card in the mail a few day ago. Zero funds. It’s not the end all be all. Still need those certified benefits paid.

  40. D. FREEMAN


    • Jay

      You do realize it’s 100% the Trumps fault this pandemic is as bad as it is. Plus, Pelosi and the Democrats are trying to get funds into your hands only to be blocked the the Republicans.

      Maybe you should take your anger to the the cause. Get off of Fox News once in a while.

    • john

      You do realize Nancy Pelosi is FOR stimulus and Trump/Republicans are overall AGAINST it? Trump + advisors are DRAGGING their feet… “Let’s wait and see”… they say.

  41. Sheryl Pena

    I am so with you. 8 weeks…yesterday went outside to scream. There is no way to contact EDD. I know we are all in the same boat. I think I am going to reapply. I have helped many friends apply after me. They got $$$.
    It seems like right after I applied was when the system crashed. Have never received anything again. Bless us all♥️

  42. ECB

    It has been 7 weeks since I filed for unemployment! The EDD requested proof of ID which I mailed to them 4 weeks ago and also faxed to them 2 weeks ago just to make sure they receive it. After several hours of calling, I finally spoke to a rep yesterday. He told me that they are still waiting for my proof of ID. This is 4 weeks later!! They still have not received my proof of ID!? What is wrong with them? They must only have 1 person processing the ID verifications or something or maybe no one at all! Also, the rep told me that my employer hasn’t reported my wages! This is the first time I heard this! They never bothered to mail, email or call me to let me know!! Unbelievable! This system is a BIG failure! Most of the EDD reps who I’ve spoken to seemed to care less about my situation and provided little to no help. I mean at least they have their jobs! One of the specialists actually called me back but was useless! He told me to call another phone number and to keep trying every 5 minutes! Like I have nothing better to do!? He was impatient and wanted to get me off the phone quickly. Out of desperation I call the number 65x back to back between 8am-12pm for 2 days in a row. Of course, I wasn’t able to talk to anyone! I will not give up because that’s what they want you to do! At this point I have no choice but to file a complaint, contact the media and senators! Unfortunately, through no fault of my own, I will be homeless by the end of the month.:(

    • Mr. Smith

      Vote accordingly, California.

    • Kayla

      Same.. ? any word?

      • Ira J Wagoner

        I was approved for benefits on 4/3. No payments, no debit card, absolutely nothing. My roommate applied for PUA on 4/29, got his debit card, posted 2 payments on it already. Completely disgusted with edd, and the whole state government.

        • Kayla Ruiz

          I applied mid April right after losing childcare, sent an award letter, a new debit card even though my old one from maternity leave was still fine, and gave me 1 weeks payment a month ago, then my second week went into pending at 0, said they could verify my identity, send the information they asked in a timely matter, and since then, I’ve been certifying for benefits receiving nothing. I now have 6 pending weeks at 0. ? I’m fed up with California as well.

  43. Tgre

    I was happily woking and being a productive member of society paid my taxes, rent, bills, fed my family and had never applied for unemployment because I always looked for and found work. Now due to this pandemic I found it necessary to apply for the benefits that I had or thought I had earned since ive worked since the age of 16 im 35 now.I Applied on march 26 and find myself not only dissapointed but in a scary situation that ive never been in before because as of today I I havent received any banefits payments although my application was approved. Ive spent all my savings already and have no idea what to do next..

  44. Erin

    D. Freeman-
    I’m sorry to break this to you, and with no disrespect intended……but you suffer from TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME! But it’s okay, because there is a cure! Do you even realize that you haven’t been paid from unemployment in weeks, going on months, and defending the dipshit in the white house in the same breath!!! Jay speaks FACTS!!! If it wasn’t for Pelosi, we wouldn’t have even gotten the stimulus payment!!! Do you think Trump honestly gives a shit that so many people haven’t received a dime from unemployment (myself included) who are unemployed through no fault of their own? He couldn’t care less. Obama would’ve made sure to implement something so that Everyone was paid by now. Trump is just leaving the states to fend for themselves. That’s why this has been such a SHIT SHOW!!! He’s supposed to be our leader not a dictator. All he cares about is making the rich richer…..and everyone else be damned! Pelosi is working around the clock to get a second stimulus passed, which will be more beneficial than the first one. And our disgrace of a president is not only doing everything in his power to block the bill, but goes on national television to mock how it wont pass in the Senate. He said the bill will be, and I quote, ” DEAD ON ARRIVAL!” Now, does that sound like good and understanding leadership to you???
    Didn’t think so. He is a disgrace and a vile, narcissistic excuse of a human being. The people of this country deserve a hell of a lot better! It’s not too late…We need to take our power back and kick his ass to the curb in November!!! BY MAIL!!!

    • Leonard

      I feel sorry for people that speuw talking points but have no idea what they are talking about. U need to wake up! Get off msnbc or cnn.. Dems memories conveniently fail when its convenient for them. First, Trump signed this cares act into law.. Republicans were the ones pressuring the dems who were holding the bill hostage. And the only reason the second bill is gona be “dead on arrival” is because it is littered with the democrats wish list of things they want done which hav absolutely NOTHING to do with covid19 or u getting ur money. They are playing politics while everyone suffers. Its people like u with their one track mind that are gona get Trump re-elected and giv the republicans the majority in the HOUSE. So for that i thank you. Have a good day.. Do some real research

      • ECB

        So true!

      • Jay

        Yeah, much better to get your news from the Trump propaganda network aka Fox news. Lol

        Here’s what you got right: Yes. The Democrats absolutely did hold up the Care Act because of a MASSIVE MILLIONAIRE tax break that the Republicans tried sneek in.

        The second bill you’re referring to is the Heroes Act and the Republicans are most definitely holding it hostage using BS reasons like some of it going to the Post Office. Of coarse that’s because they want to kill the Post Office.

        The only thing you got right is that people will definitely be suffering but it not because of the Democrats.

        • John

          You have no idea what actually runs Fox. I’m convinced you libs don’t know anything about anything. Your avatar is perfect.

    • Red

      Hold up, did you just accuse a Trump supporter of having TDS? LMAO That’s worse than you cucks calling us snowflakes. You people are so brainwashed that it’s not even funny. You’re so dumb that you don’t even know what TDS is! LOL

      • ECB

        Really? We are stooping to this level? Lets all grow up! We are all having similar issues here. The government both democratic and republican have FAILED its American citizens! Let’s just try to help each other out without the insults!

    • Jacob

      “BY MAIL!!!” You’ll need to force that to steal the election. You Leftist punks are just a load minority. I’d tell you to go protest something but you’re still hiding in your basement. RESIST already PUNK!

  45. Judy Cohen

    I’m in a similar situation to the folks above. I was paid PUA benefit for the week ending April 4. For 8 weeks now, even after certifying eligibility on line, each payment says “pending”. I don’t know why and cannot find out. I have sent 14 messages through UI online over this past 8 weeks, none were answered. I just counted the number of times I have tried to reach someone by phone..236 times! I have never reached a live person. The problem is NOT long wait times, the problem is actually making it through to someone live. So frustrating with no income and bills to pay to know I have 8 weeks of payments sitting in limbo with no end in sight.

    • Chris

      What are they going to do back pay those weeks? We need it now, or we are not going to be able to stay where we are 🙁

    • Adam

      Watch this video for tips on how to get through to a rep, it actually works and maybe they can connect you to a specialist if you are lucky

      • Gina

        Thank you so Much for posting this. I tried the 1 then 2 and it worked I was on hold for 5 mins when a rep answered and was able to help me. my now pending certifications will be paid in 24 to 48 hours according to the rep I spoke with. Thank You Thank You I called
        1-833-978-2511 when you call it the sec you hear the recording hit 1 then 2 real fast if it says they have reached their limit on calls just keep trying and when you get a hold of someone

    • Robert

      Well , I’m in the same giant boat with everyone . CHECK THIS STORY OUT ! Lost my job Feb. 17 , filed and got certified for 13 weeks pending now , lost my car because I couldn’t make the payment , lost my storage with all my personal shit in it , exhausted all my funds while waiting , credit cards are maxed out , and now I’m being told if I can’t pay my rent I’m out on the street ! But here’s the best part ….. I received a text from EDD stating that my identity was approved and verified FINALLY …….. For nothing !!!! Yep , still fucking PENDING !!!! WTF . I give up !!! No more 175 calls and waiting on hold for over an hour just to be told they can’t help me , sorry ! Good luck everyone , in a few days I will have lost everything and have no money left to move , and my phone will eventually be shut off , then that will be it ! Take care everyone and be safe !!!!

      • Mohammad samara

        I have the same situation I certified 12 weeks so far my payment still pending but ……I finally talk to the customer service and she told me that I made a mistake in my certified weeks specifically on question # 3
        You must answer yes (you must look for job even if you not required at this time)
        Do this and they pay you for the past week you missed

  46. Christopher

    It’s a disgrace. I have been waiting for 8 weeks now and nothing. Sent in identification. All my weeks are pending certification. It’s me my wife and out young child. And we will be out on the street soon. We have nothing and our baby needs special formula because he cannot gain weight. We need help! Please someone help us!

  47. Les


    • Kayla Ruiz

      Hey everyone! So like some other people taking this no income to the heart I went ahead and started contacting the senators offices, ABC, KCRA, and started demanding answers, I too have a 2 year old daughter, I live in a rural area so the nearest Walmart is literally 30 miles from my home, there are no jobs available right now, so what the HELL am I supposed to do!? So the senators office sent me an email back with their personal office number and are supposed to help me get my edd claim through. My fingers are crossed I’ll call them first thing in the morning and let you guys know the outcome!

      • Christopher

        Good luck. Let me know how it goes!

      • Sharon

        Good luck Kayla!

        I have filed for UI benefits starting 3/14/20. I received a notice of zero benefits.
        On 4/28/20 I had applied for the PUA benefits with a confirmation number. Have not received any letters or do i see that there is anything in process online.
        May 13 made it through to a live person in EDD, The specialist verified some info and said that he had corrected the claim and i am eligible and had benefits that would be sent via Debit card to Bank of America. He instructed me to contact Bank of America to request a card. I received a card from Bank of America and logged on and there is nothing on my card!
        May 19 made it through to a live person in EDD, they needed to send this to a Tier 2 specialist for a call back as they could not transfer me to one, she said that they did not see that anything was done from the last call i made. They needed my earnings, I gave my earnings info for the second time. The call back was to come from 1 – 3 days and it has been 10 days and still have not received a call or letter from a Tier 2 person.
        5/26/20 I once again spent time calling to try and get through to a Tier 2 on the line. The person was not a specialist, she did say she would try and get through to one and she would transfer me to their line. She did call back and said to stay on the line and it might be a long hold but it was worth a try. I stayed on hold for 3 hours and then the system hung up… I am frustrated, exhausted and feel completely helpless. I have been without work since 3/14/20.

        • Kayla

          Contact your district senator and find out what is the issue explain in an email your frustration and screen shot your calls and pending claim and letter of award so they can contact them and get the ball going! So sorry everyone, I left a message with the senator still waiting on my return call but it is early so I’ll be patient what’s another day right!? Keep trying don’t give up! We need to stay strong together and come together and look out for one another, we are all in the same situation right now, not one of us is any better than the next! Bug them bug them bug them! Contact your local news stations! Tell them the numbers don’t add up and we are losing everything for this nonsense! Even though everything is opening, the numbers are rising again and there are still such a high number of no jobs right now!

      • John Janes

        Hi Amanda. Mine is 16 weeks pending, but I read somewhere that as long as you receive a confirmation# you’ll get paid eventually. Just some optimism. Hang in there

  48. Dee Dee

    Been waiting since certifying on 5/17/2020 pending status on website. Can’t pay any bills and have tried everyday 100s of times to reach EDD. 3 emails sent – I received a couple of payments so not sure what the hold up is. Scared Hi fry and Broke. Please tell me what I can do……

    • Teresia Jansson

      View this video on YouRube by a Good Samaritan to learn how to get through to live person at EDD—we used the method this morning and miraculously got through: https://youtu.be/iy-R3BqDTVk

  49. Micky

    I live in Ridgecrest, been out of work since 3/26, having been waiting at pending for over 6 weeks. and yes I am filing every 2 weeks on line. Have been trying to call EDD for the last 4 weeks everyday and get hung up on. Can not get through, nothing in the mail since getting a letter saying I qualified for unemployment back in early April. Website is worthless and can not get any answers. I do not qualify for welfare, and can not find a job. This is horrible. I can see Newsome and Pelosi can keep coming up with money for the illegals, but real Americans can not get the unemployment we pay for. Tell my why I would want to vote for any Democrat who would do this to their own fellow Americans, it is not Republicans stopping anything it is Pelosi saying let’s get money for Americans and half of it goes to illegals, Planned Parenthood for abortions, and her daughter’s pet project! They need to go. Stop listening to NBC, CBS, ABC, and CNN. They are the BS news sites and anyone with a clue KNOWS THAT!!

  50. tina

    i just want a explanation on why my benefits have stopped and why i received a letter for overpayment collection.

    back in april (second week) i was doing my claim and was denied. i have emailed and called and called i have no clue to why this has happen and cant even get an answer. yesterday i get a collection notice.

    im getting so annoyed, i understand the pandemic has caused delay, but i believed my rights have been violated. i just want to speak with someone to find out why my benefits have been stopped , why i was never notified the reason to this happening, and now why am i in collections.

  51. Robert Kasberger

    I was able to get through and speak to a rep this morning after I was placed on a call back list A week ago and never called. This rep was able to switch my 7 pending weeks to paid. However, just when she said “Hold on a minute, don’t hang up” the call dropped. I called another 75-100 times and got through a second time and was told that I should receive a debit card within 7-10 days. So, my advice is to work within, around and above this broken system. It’s despicable that we have to operate this way but it is what it is for the time being. Be relentless in calling and you will eventually get through to someone. I literally called non-stop for several hours.
    I hope everyone receives the benefits they paid into and deserve.

    • Wes

      I Finally Got My First payment since filing on 4/12/2020 I received a lump sum of $5294.00 I guess it was worth the wait they payed me the extra $600 also.

    • Robert

      Employers pay for unemployment insurance. Employees are not taxed for unemployment insurance. Is not necessarily your money. I am a small business OWNER and I fund the unemployment insurance account through payroll taxes. Employees are only taxed on personal income and a very very small amount for the disability fund. It is very much my money that has been paid into the Unemployment Insurance Fund and I have been waiting for 12 weeks for payment. Now that’s FRUSTRATION.✌

  52. Dan

    My claim seems to have been processed and it says ‘paid’ on my profile for all the weeks I certified for (still never received payments), but I’m wondering if it is the exact same for everyone who is angry OR you simply have not had any changes to your account at all. Basically, I’m wondering if I am further along than most or in the same boat.

  53. Teri Tallman

    This press release shows total claims processed and dollar amount paid, but NOT total claims paid. I am reading only 1 out of 8 claims have been paid. You took away our jobs with the promise of unemployment insurance and a $600 bonus. My husband has 8 weeks pending. If we did something wrong, let us know. We have called over 500 times only to reach someone who cannot help; or transfer us to someone who can (waste of time and money). It has been a communication desert. How hard would it be to send out an email to everyone in “Pending” hell with instructions. Tell the truth, don’t tout some bogus chart with the most important information missing – – – number of claims paid. Why aren’t you processing claims in the order of receipt. Many people who have applied after my husband have been paid. Everyone understands the workload, just process in order received, put us in a queue, and stop making it look like people are being paid when they aren’t. It doesn’t matter how many claims you have processed if they aren’t paid. People understand the truth, not bogus charts, you have lost our trust. EDD management should be fired.

    • Kayla Ruiz

      Totally agree! I’m going on 8 weeks unpaid benefits says pending for $0 and earned claim $0.. called the 2511 number finally talked to someone after 2 weeks of calling, they couldn’t help me. Gave me another number for identification verification that’s only open 8:01-11:59am and not once have I even got on hold just says too many callers waiting to speak to someone and hangs up on me immediately. I’m so frustrated. And now trump has already seized federal banks and crashed the stocks and wiped out bitcoin during a 28 day shut down which was his entire plan he needed to shut us down to take all the money and fuck with stocks, so he won while we continue to lose. Then he sends cops to kill black men, pays ANTIFA to loot, goes into hiding and leaves us hanging out to dry on a flared clothes line. I’m sick of this government and how they have not only treated us but the lack of concern for the American people. Now he’s taken our second stimulus and debating on releasing unemployment funds due to the riots. So we are all fucked just so you know. ??‍♀️ We will enter a revolution and the ones who don’t want to partake in the activity will sit and suffer with nothing.. the sad reality of this. And president trump had Einstein killed to cover up their sex traffic and rape charges they settled out of court with.. this is entirely his fault and he lost all trust and control on the country. We the people, suffer.

  54. mk

    hello, applied for UI on march 16th. Got an email saying to certify for 2 weeks up to 4/4/20. Did it, but got a letter in the inbox saying there are no funds. then it didn’t let me certify for the following weeks- tried calling and leaving a message on contact us online but no reply although it says 5-7 days. After all that on mid april i receive a letter saying they need proof of identity- so i turn that in within 2 days. After a month no reply no nothing and i keep checking on ui online but nothing changed and it wouldn’t let me certify except the first 2 weeks which just says not paid. then on 5/28 i receive a benefit award letter saying $xx amount. So i go online and now under notification it says REOPEN claim…and due to not certifying for weeks my case is inactive.. but it didn’t let me certify and my weekly benefit changed from $0 to $xx just couple days ago.. Anyway i’m trying to call them but no answer… what a surprise.. should i reopen the claim? i’ve heard if i reopen the claim- they will pay from the week you reopen it…so i thought i better talk to someone before doing so… i need to be paid from 3/16 not just from this week… edd took more than 2 months figuring it out and now i’m losing out on thousands of dollars? long story short.. should i reopen claim and risk possibly losing funds from 3/16 to this week or wait until i speak to someone? any advice will help at this point!!!

  55. Adam

    Watch this video for tips on how to get through to a rep, it actually works and maybe they can connect you to a specialist if you are lucky

    • Adam

      I have had a similar situation, and I reopened the claim. Supposedly that reopening the claim doesn’t affect certified weeks. Call them, maybe they can help.
      Check the video below, it helps

  56. Adam

    Watch this video for tips on how to get through to a rep, it actually works and maybe they can connect you to a specialist if you are lucky, good luck

  57. Teresia Jansson

    Here’s a video by a Good Samaritan that will teach you how to bypass the EDD recorded messages (that hang up on you) to reach a live person—it works, we used the method this morning and for the first time ever, we were able to talk to someone to resolve why my partner still hasn’t been paid even though he filed at the end of March. It really works: https://youtu.be/iy-R3BqDTVk

    • Ira J Wagoner

      Awesome video, thanks for the link! Streamlined the dialing process, took about 50x to get on hold. First call i got a level 1 tech, released a few things, was setting up callback when the call dropped. 50 or so trys, got connected again with a wonderful woman named Eleanor, who was a level 2! She went through everything, paid me, so just have to get the debit card! My problem was being too honest on my certifications! You have to say you’re looking for work, even though you can’t because of Covid19. The site is not programmed for that exception, so answer all questions just like you were unemployed normally, so just answer accordingly. Like you have to lie, sort of!

  58. Vincent veliz

    Ok so i lost my job because of the shelter in place order then i lost my place because i didnt qualify for any assistance cuz i wasnt sick or toting 5 kids and im under 65..they finally offer 13 week extension after ive been sleeping and starving in my car for over a month and i certified for 8 weeks and now its pending???? That is fuckin bullshit what the fuck are they waiting for i dont get it? My job and my ass are lost because they overeacted over this nonsense,i cant even go shoplifting to earn so.e money because most of the stores are closed wtf is going on now all these fake ass protesters are making it even harder…fuck the protesters,fuck george fliyd,fuck gavin newsom,fuck the edd and fuck the government whose members toy with our lives while our taxpaying asses pay them

    • Jc rangel

      Calling the 833 number and pressing 1 then 2 right after it answers works. It took me 45 minutes to get the message to change. It then says someone will be with you shortly. You just have to be patient when you call.

  59. Demetrius Ligon

    Hi tI was checking on the status of my EED payment. It seems to be taking a while. I am in need and begging EDD to please pay me very soon due to my real immediate financial need and my most recent certified multiple weeks including the upcoming ones and I already updated any mistakes to you meaning my information is completely accurate in relation to my reported earnings. I am still unable pay current bills due and I still really need to survive and catch up with my serious bills and expenses.

  60. Thong Nguyen

    I am still pending for PUA since April. How can I receive help when no one picks up the phone nor messages me back?

  61. Sheryl Pena

    I have also been approved since 3/22 and was denied for first two weeks because I checked the wrong box!!! They said we couldn’t certify on line or didn’t have to for a time period. I feel my “screen” just fell dead since the “clinch”. It’s so wrong that we cant get our benefits owed to us, and yet people filing after us…CAN AND HAVE BEEN!!! THEY EVEN GETTING PAID THE EXTRA $600 !!! PAY US PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN EMPLOYED AND LOST $$$ TO CLOSURE OF OUR JOBS FIRST!!!
    I am sooo saddened by us real workers, going to loose everything we have.

  62. Sheryl Pena

    My loss of words and don’t know what to say. I can’t believe our situations !!! All our stories are heartbreaking, and yet??? WHAT CAN WE DO? I DONT EVEN WANT TO GET UP ANY MORE (FROM BED)…..TO DO WHAT… Call EDD over and over again. Another week will be over again….still, no benefits paid to me, 10 weeks now. Shit probably maybe more. We, as working people, now having no jobs, and can’t get our EDD $$$. But give $$$ to the others. Makes me sick…and despite all the other shit going on….I am just another American going d own.
    Now I’m told that I’ve already said the same comments, haven’t we ALL?

    • Jerilyn Vega

      I just received mines today after a month. What you can do is call 833 978 2511 try number 1 and 2 they’ll explain it’s an issue with the system they’ll send a form to a technical support about the issue after that you should be okay but keep on checking your status if you haven’t seen any payment they’ll call you in 6 days that’s what I was told but fortunately I got mine the very next day.

      • Jill Dietz

        Miss Vega,
        Watch “GET YOUR CALIFORNIA UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIM PAID. Bypass EDD’s Busy Message & Speak to a Live Person” on YouTube
        Make sure you hit the 1 and 2 real fast it may take 50 tries but you will get through when you do ask if the operator is a level 1 or 2 reason being is the level 1 operator can’t really help you with anything BUT you can ask them beg cry whatever it takes to give your number to a level 2 operator make it sound like your losing everything ok i did and I got my money with in two days plus they are open from 8am to 8pm 833-978-2511 and I think they’re on the weekends to same hours good luck to you hang in there

  63. Barbara Richters

    I filed on May 6, and I have had no information sent to me, even the UI ID number. I was amazed after 50 ties, I got through to the technical helpline and he told me my social security number was not in his system. He said to wait about another week. That was three weeks ago, and I cannot log in to my account because I do not have my ID number. I have searched every day for someone or an office I can go in to, but I have not found anything. Today I tried to file another claim with a different email address but it said I have already filed a claim. I worked with military families as a behavioral therapist tech to work with their autistic children, and they knew earlier about the pandemic, so they said I would have to stop working in January. They then called me and I went back for a week or two, but by then the news was starting to break, so I was asked to come back after the pandemic was over. It never occurred to me to file because I am self-employed and then I found this wonderful program that would allow me to file a claim. I was so relieved! Then nothing happened at all. If they could just deny benefits and let me file for an appeal at least that would be something. There is no way to get any information.
    This is the last month I can pay my rent and then my savings are gone. Please, State of California, do not ignore an applicant. Give me some way to know that you have truly received my application. I know I am eligible for the federal benefits. Please help me and all these people who have no work.

  64. Gina

    Thank you so Much for posting this. I tried the 1 then 2 and it worked I was on hold for 5 mins when a rep answered and was able to help me. my now pending certifications will be paid in 24 to 48 hours according to the rep I spoke with. Thank You Thank You I called
    1-833-978-2511 when you call it the sec you hear the recording hit 1 then 2 real fast if it says they have reached their limit on calls just keep trying and when you get a hold of someone

  65. Gina

    I have 3 certifications that were received and stuck in pending, I tried calling the EDD with no luck then BAM! Thanks to a Good Samaritan who posted a you tube video on how to get through.. I tried it and it worked. I called 1-833-978-2511 when you call it the sec you hear the recording hit 1 then 2 real fast if it says they have reached their limit on calls just keep trying and when you get a hold of someone . I got a hold of a very nice rep who checked and said she was sending my claim to someone in the claims department and I should be getting my weeks paid with in 7 to 8 days or as soon as 48 hours . Thank GOD! I had to call 7 times until I got the recording to hold for a rep but the great thing is I was only on hold for 5 mins. I called near closing time 7:50pm that might have made a difference.
    I am grateful and appreciate the post and info and wanted to share my experience with y’all.

  66. Hasan

    Thank you to all the individuals who posted the above comments. At least I feel that I am not the only one. My situation is not better than anyone. I don’t know how to get mad. I’ll be sleeping behind the trash can behind AM/PM Gas Station soon and I’ll still be too calm.

    Well, when the Shut Down was in effect in March, there was still 10 weeks left in my old claim and two weeks balance of benefits. I reopened it. Then I got paid for the last two weeks of April. Then 11 days ago I received a message that I was approved for extension and I have to certify for the last two weeks of May. I did. But I still see that it is still pending. If anybody is having the same situation, please enlighten me.

    • Mike H

      Everyone let’s organize and meet at the State Capital or the main EDD building as a way to show our frustration, pain and solidarity! Many who are savvy techs from home can get the word out via Facebook and Instagram on a proposed date and time to meet at one of those locations. It’s millions of us who are suffering as out of work citizens/taxpayers! Seriously, let’s do this together. They need to see we are serious in a peaceful organized way. This is a round the clock issue as our families suffer. We need them to take this serious by working around the clock to payout all out pending certified claims. Let’s do this!!!!

      • Robert M Butler

        I agree Mike!! I was thinking of doing something like this myself as I still haven’t got paid since 3/15/20. I was awarded my PUA and have my EDD card and they paid me $167 and since then nothing but pending, duplicate and reissued crap on my claim history, I did contact a state Rep. about this and his office is sending me paper work to sign so that they can look into my EDD PUA claim to get myself paid! I have read the comments here and people are being destroyed and becoming homeless because of not receiving their money, the EDD has to be held accountable for this and every news station should be reporting on this to finally get the, “We the People of California!” PAID! So what so far is the plan? Any action from people on really getting a movement going? Thanks Mike! from Bob.

  67. Jerilyn Vega

    Im really stressed out tbh…now I see I’m not the only one, mines been pending for a month now, I did call several times and finally I got someone on the line but sadly the only thing she told me was to keep on certifying that there was no issues with my certification that everything seemed okay since it said it was pending she told me there still “processing” my claims and there’s nothing else she can do.

    • Dorinda Dean

      Ya me too been waiting for a month.Im the only one I know that actually had a job and was out of work due to carona virus, I’m a cook. My Friend, hasn’t worked in 17 years, still lives with her parents, she got her money in 9 days, thousands, mind you. 2 other people, drugs addicts 40 years old, still lives with parents, got like 20,000.00 together in just days. Another Loser named brandy, steals from everybody, scams the system and lies and frauds, she too got thousands in a few days. I’m a good person, work, dont steal or fraud, pays taxes, owns a car, has rent, but no unemployment yet. Him, they must be Democrats. Im sick of it all. DORINDA DEAN

      • Jill Dietz

        How could all those people get thousand if they don’t work????? You have to work in order to get unemployment your friend that hasn’t worked in 17 years how the hell did she get thousands. If she hasn’t worked? Just a little confused and if you know for a fact that someone is stealing from the government report them!!!! Good luck

      • Sheryl Pena

        CALL THE 833-978-2511 as soon as you hear press 1 2 . If you hear the message that they too busy. Hang up keep trying . It only took me 15 times.
        The system had cliches it…we all seem to have filed mar-april. Got my account
        Fixed and should have money on my card 24 hours.
        GOOD LUCK!s

        • Kenneth King

          did you finally get your $$$?
          I”M in exactly the same boat. Finally got hold of a 2nd tier level EDD employee ON 6/17, “supposed” to have had any complications sorted-out but STILL WAITING…
          like everybody else here, really short on $$$ appears most people who filed or reopened a claim in March or April have complications. I”m expecting 10+ weeks of UI plus $600/week PUA
          To Gavin Newsome: GET OFF YOUR ASS
          I”ll remember this on Election Day! VOTE RED! VOTE REPUBLICAN!

  68. Chace

    I was denied PUA , I filed for UI . got an award letter For PUA to only receive a letter of denial the following day. So I’m confused ass hell. I did mail in my objection letter today. I was told the first step is being denied then it goes through. So I read online somewhere. We will see , I’m about 2-3 weeks away from being self employed to street living . My savings is gone Waiting on EDD. I can’t believe I qualify for nothing ! smh I’ve worked too hard to lose my business and become homeless again for no fault of my own. I did get 1000 from SBA but that’s gone to rent for last mo. So much for getting my CSLB C61/D12 contractors license, can’t afford to renew that . I’m cooked !

    • ZeAndre Chapman

      I’m in a fucked up situation as well.Cant collect unemployment or GR I will be homeless.

  69. Sheryl Pena

    I stayed on the phone calling the 1833-978-2511, as soon as its answered press 1 2. if you hear message saying too many calls, hang up and keep doing it. 8 x’s and got in…it took me a 43 min. wait and got a live rep… within 20 minutes my account was fixed and from there, I certified online. as soon as you certify for each 2 wks, your balance goes down. at the end of that you go to payment history and bamm… your weekly amt will be there along with the $600!
    Apparantly during the middle of march-april the system had a clinch. seems like thats when our claims got all messed up. Your money is there! Only a live rep can do this. SO KEEP CALLING!!!!!
    god bless

    • Hasan

      Hi Mike,
      We are ready to work. We are looking forward to see businesses open full capacity and challenge the current rules. We have to stand together with them and they should stand with them. It is not our fault that the massive agencies and smart minds who are making massive salaries weren’t prepared.

      • Hasan

        I meant: ” …they should stand with us.”

  70. David B

    I have not received anything been certifying online every two weeks its 11 weeks now and still nothing i have no car now i am down to 100 dollars and will probably lose my place this unacceptable this is our money we work for thats we we have edd insurance to cover us and we are not getting it . If i can sue for the pain i will this edd should be revamped . hospitals not ready for corvid-19 and edd not ready with staff they should make a reserve staff like national guard for emergencies i saw a correction in the markets before corvid they should been ready for a down turn i knew the markets were not going stay going up we saw what was going on with oil before the markets as well as tariffs….Get me my funds i don’t care how you do it but you need to do it and who ever is in charge edd in california should resign.Its a 11 weeks this is a lot bs” they never pick up the phone on 833 number 8am to 8pm that’s a aploy and they never answer our e-mails i sent 6 already nothing. 11 weeks is to long to be certifying for 11 weeks and not receiving funds i was born in usa and I feel I’m in third world country this is a disgrace.

  71. Jason M Kim

    Well just to let you know people were not receiving any type of extention prior to the virus. Its was not something they can just aay approoved allrighty then…. i waited about 4 weeks. I end uo receving about 10 weeks of paynent at one time.. which was amazing. However somethibg happened today and i was not paid . And my aeekly amount cha ged to a very strange number . Hoping to find out what is going on .just make sure u log in the edd site keep clicking the new claim it will say one is being orocessed if well ita being processed. Howver 3 or 4 weeks after i filled mine out it let me click the file new claim.. the next day i was paid
    .. idk if just randon or not but just keep cool dont blame the people.. evwryone struggling no one wants anyone to suffer … gl

    • Eugene

      Don’t blame people? Seriously? They hang up on you after you’ve waited hours and we shouldn’t blame them for being shitty to people who don’t have jobs when its literally THEIR job to help those people? What fucking planet are you from bud?

  72. debra

    My UI on line says certification received but pending payment — I have not received a payment in 7 weeks – I have sent a message through the on line UI contact us site 2 times a week – I have tried calling the numbers 500 times and can not get through. This is insane.

    • Robert M Butler

      Call this number and right after you hear talking dial 1 then 2 real fast and then wait for a rep to talk to you, 833-978-2511 then 1, 2 fast, it works I got my problem fixed and got paid! GOOD LUCK!

      • eve rivas

        what time did you call i been certifyng every 2 weeks and get my money every time and this sunday 21 it said claim accepted and pending and i got no money on monday what the heck is going on now

        • Robert M Butler

          I called during there business hours when ever that is?
          But again call 833-978-2511 after you hear a voice then dial 1 then 2 real fast, you will hear the start of their message if you get that hang up and redial the same numbers until you get a Rep message saying a Rep will be with you shortly, I redialed about 8 times till I got into the Rep message and then you just wait till they get to you, I waited about 25 mins, but I got my glitch fixed and a couple days later I got my money! YAHOO!

          • Jill Dietz

            They are open from 8am to 8pm when you do get a rep ask if they are a level one or 2 operator cuz level one can’t help you they only do technical stuff BUT ask them beg them or whatever you have to do and ask if they can have a level 2 operator help you
            Good luck!

          • Jay

            This number doesn’t work anymore

        • Cara

          Same thing has happened to me and it’s still pending. Have your been able to resolve yours? Is so did they explain why all the sudden payments are pending?

    • Ashley

      Try calling 8,000 times ?. I still got nothing.

  73. Nina L

    Can a person file a new regular UI claim because it will be available to her on July 11th, if she is on 13 week extension now which will end on June 27th?

  74. Taokham

    I have the same problem. I got 2 checks from CA UI. I usually got paid on the next day after certifying on Sunday. This time I certified on Sunday 06/21/2020 but on Monday it said pending instead of paid.
    As of now 06/27/2020, it still is on pending.

  75. Abe

    I’m still waiting for the last 3 weeks of pay. It says pending and not answer from emails I sent. What a joke. I cannot get through to a live person either. Gavin Newsom needs to go.

  76. Death Upon Me

    im gonna kill myself

    • Theresa

      Please don’t . Please call the suicide hotline and express all your concerns, please. Whoever you are, you are a unrepeatable manifestation of God. There is something you can do in this life , like no Other can do!

    • Mike H

      Don’t do it. Stay strong! You will get your money. I have been waiting for my first payment since March 15th. I have contacted every state rep possible and the governor. I have spoken to several Edd reps to fix my claim. I finally got word Friday that my account was finally unfrozen or fixed to payout 14 weeks of back pay. My UI account online finally shows paid and Bank of America rep confirmed that they have received my back pay for payout. My card has been mailed to me and expected to arrive any day now. So please hang in there! Life is full of obstacles and challenges but this one will make you stronger if you see it through! God Bless You! Hang in there! Keep fighting!

  77. Death UponMe

    I am gonna kill myself.. I cant go on …I lost everything and everyone
    May I go in Peace

    • Theresa

      Did you make it through the night? I hope so!

      • Ashley

        Keep calling the 833 number. I finally received my money after saying pending for 3 weeks. You might have to call 20 times in a row but you will get through. It’s worth it!!

  78. jaesor

    kill yourself? why?

    I struggled patiently and got paid $13,000 + more weeks to certify and we will begin certify for benefits again 7/12/2020. hang in there, Edd is actually very generous at a time like time

    • rachel Quintero

      I agree. My daughter was just awarded 11,000 and my claim has yet to be processed. we filed ours on the same day and she got hers already. of course she is waiting for the EDD card but its on the way. Patience people. complaining isnt helping anything. Its not going to make it come to you any faster so you might as well just roll with the punches and stay strong. You’ll get through this. ive been waiting over 2 weeks and still no word. I called the new edd phone line and talked to a rep. My claim is in the system and she said some get theirs faster than others…..she doesnt know why. They dont have all the answers. Its called a Pandemic for a reason. Dont expect things to go smoothly. There are millions of people suffering in worse ways, like those losing loved one due to Covid. It could be worse so just be patient.

  79. Amanda Collins

    It took me roughly 3 weeks to find a hacker/Programmer on CS forum after to fix my credit score as I was mislead twice . I think Hackers are the best means of quick credit score fix because they use loop holes to add trade-lines which takes effects within 9 days interval . I am not an expert but they was exactly what I was told when I worked with Sniffingnose AT Repairman DOTcom on CREDIT SCORE REPAIR . I was able to gather more info about how hackers do this via YouTube . I think you should make enough research before letting any hacker work on your credit score because they can either make it or break it . You can call these guys and find out if you are eligible to work with them +1(520)363 3683 . I also advice you DO NOT give them your full SSN just to be on the safe side .


    • Sam Lincoln

      I have called but the number is always busy with automated messaging. I was able to get through to their email . I will be Using their services based on this review as I didnt want to hire anyone with gmail account . I made enough research before hiring these SNiffingnoseguys .

  80. Mike M

    THIS WORKS!!!!!!!!!
    Call 1-833-978-2511 The second you hear the recording hit 1 then 2 fast. If it says they have reached their limit on calls TRY AGAIN until you get put on hold. Someone should pick up within 10-20 minutes. The 1st person I spoke to could not help me and only navigate website. The 2nd time I got through they were able to help me get my issue resolved. I was able to get through both times within 5 minutes using this 1 – 2 method. I have been waiting almost 3 months with all certifications listed as “PENDING”.

    Thanks Jill Dietz for the solid tip!!!

    • Jill Dietz

      Your welcome Mike im so glad you got through!!! ?

    • Might.be.ugly.but.at.least.i.dont.have.any.money

      Did theu say why it was pending? Ive been paid 4 weaks at 167 then i have 16 weeks pending l just dont understand i have used the 1-2 method and has worked but they can’t get it right.

    • Mike M

      4 days after finally getting through to EDD I received payment for 4 weeks of my 12 weeks
      “PENDING” certifications. This included the $600 extra per week.

  81. f77741@aol.com

    There is no greater joy than having a financial freedom with the help of Freeman who helped me, I traded $5,000 USD and got $48,500.00 USD total profit back within 7-8 working days. Thank you very much for the support Ma’am.. Why wasting your precious time online looking for a loan? Contact him now at —
    Thanks .

  82. Marissa


  83. E

    I’ve been calling EDD but haven’t talked to anyone yet and hoping that someone here could help me.

    My last day worked was in April and I certified 2 times, which I have gotten paid for. I didn’t realize I hadn’t been getting my benefits after 2 months. After that, I tried to reopen my claim but every new week they want me to reopen my claim. Is it because I inserted my last day worked as April and I have gotten paid UI benefits after that? What can I do? Keep calling the 833 #?

    Someone please help if you’re in a similar situation or know what to do. HELP!!!

    • rachel

      Your supposed to file your biweekly claim every two weeks. They cant pay you unless they know if youve worked or received money form other sources. Go into your account. As soon as you sign in it should show up on your main screen….your benefit amount….last time you were paid and on the top it will say if you have weeks available to certify. If you do, certify them. Its very simple. once you certify for those weeks, then they pay you.

    • Kenneth King

      If open a claim, are approved and then you don’t certify for 4 weeks, the EDD assumes yoou’ve abandoned your claim (they assume you’ve gone back to work).
      You need to reopen your claim ASAP !
      and I do mean ASAP!
      Good luck

  84. Sandy

    Jill Dietz!!! It worked!! I did exactly what you said to do and it totally worked. Thank you!

    • Jill M Dietz

      I’m so glad it worked Sandy! ?

  85. Toni Glock

    I applied in june for PUA. I backdated to march. I received my first payment. Everything after that is all messed up. When they backdated it from march it did something and caused it to go all the way mack to march 2013 which is and expired training benefit ui claim. I keep telling them but nothing has been done. Im not in school. I received 1 more payment August. The form to certify online is tge only ine that us offered. No pandemic cintinued caim form at all. So to be able to certify for current and back payments i have to certify with the one that is showing. So i did. I called them again to change thevfirm to the disaster form the didn’t. So they have been paying me of this expired training claim which is considered regular ui. So it now make me intelligible for the pua. Oh by the way did i mention that i only get $77 a week. Now they are saying that i am disqualified for the weeks ending 7/4/20 and. 7/11/20. Waiting for determination paper. I am supposed to be getting back pay for like 12 weeks. Guess they ran out of money when it comes to me.

  86. Ms. Robinson

    I’m already on my first extention but it’s due to run out in the next 2 weeks. Does anybody know if they will file for another extention as they previously did for my 1 st extension or can I file for a pua claim which will actually pay me more then my $129 weekly amounts through my regular ui claim.? I guess a single mother of 5 kids ages 10-16 out of school is supposed to survive on $258 every 2 weeks. What makes me sick to my stomach is all these drug addicts, drug dealers, no children having people are getting over 10k+ for back pay plus weekly payments and all the people who actually bust there assess or has busted there asses to get where they are and what they have are put on the back burner and are getting screwed by this joke of a government we have. Maybe if they put forth the same effort they do to get Trump out of office towards us working class people who are about to loose everything. Maybe just maybe can we begin to come back together as a united country. That’s all they gaf about and that’s all they have gaf about for the past 4 years is getting Trump out of office. Trumps not there puppet and he really deaf and he idc what anybody says is actually for the people. 98% sure if Hillary won we would have went into marshal law and been made or tried to be made 1 of there puppets. Why do you think they want Trump out so bad cuz he’s NOT GOING TO GIVE 2 FUCKS ABOUT THERE SHINANAGANS AND HE WON’T LET THEM CONTROL HIM. this year is the 1 st i actually registered to vote cuz my voice matters and for me it’s TRUMP 2020 ALL THE WAY…. PELOSI AND HER PUPPETS REALLY NEED TO GET THERE LIVED RIGHT…Smhhh.. some people’s children need to get it together. Sorry that came out of nowhere i guess I needed to rage on that for a min. Lmao..
    If your approved for your claim just keep faith and be patient. It will get to you…. I know how hard it is and how easy it is for me to say that but really it is what it is and it ain’t what it ain’t. And all you can do is hold tight and don’t let go…. 1 day at a time… have a blessed and highly favored day/ night. ??

    • Hung Daddy

      IF I’m understanding you correctly, yes, you’ll get an automatic extension at $167/week LWA (Lost Wage Assistance) when your claim expires.
      I agree, Nazi Pelosi and her Governor nephew need to go

    • Miles Long

      IF I’m understanding you correctly, yes, you’ll get an automatic extension at $167/week LWA (Lost Wage Assistance) when your claim expires.
      I agree, Nazi Pelosi and her Governor nephew need to go

  87. Stephanie Powers

    I got fired august 19 2019 my unemployment claim for that was denied so till august 2020 I couldn’t file a new claim I have worked since the day I turned 18 I worked one day for ups at 3am which was two hard to handle and got disqualified again 2020 all the while I have been an independent contractor since 2017 and they did not take that into account that from august 2019 and prior till March 2020 when COVID hit customers stopped requesting my services TELL ME WHY MY SELF EMPLOYMENT THAT IS REAL WAS NOT TAKEN IN TO ACCOUNT FOR ALL BECAUSE I WAS FIRED FROM A PREVIOUS JOB BEFORE THIS PANDEMIC AT LEAST FIRED OR NOT I HAVE BEEN WORKING SINCE I TURNED 18 and I see all these CAPABLE HOMELESS ADULTS WHO NEVER WORKED A DAY IN THERE LIFE SUDDENLY GETTING BACK PAYED UP 20000 just to spend it on drugs and still act like scum bags they got a hand out n never even worked a day in there life nothing but a huge handout and I’m suffering to school or do any independent contractor work because I can’t even. Afford gas





      • Stephanie Powers

        Rite !!!there Are thousands of fraudulent homeless claims awarded and paid In less then 5days while they neverworkedfornothing cuz there choice is s to live on the streets at 25. Ride a bike and do drugs getapproved but I got fired back in2019 after working a straight 5years and my word and claim are worthless

  88. Bernadette

    The California Inmates and the Homeless (non who have worked) have been GIVEN (only use the word paid when someone is owed money for a service or product) unemployment “money”. I have not received the stimulus money for September, October, November and now December. I know Im not alone. Anyone think this is why NEWSOM is being recalled??
    (along with the French laundry gaff).

    • Mark Kovling

      In july edd sent me a text to verify my identity. I had just FINALLY received what they owed me. I uploaded the requested documents and then they send me email telling me my ssn of 45 years didnt match dmv records. But if i look up a few forms and print them and fill them out and send usps to them, they said they might look at it. So ive been cut off and the $86.00 in my b of a edd account is not retrievable. Anyone else get this action? I cant be the only one disqualified.

  89. Judy

    I have 2 months in pending certifications, just had a phone interview on Sunday April 4th 2021; yes, they scheduled a call on Easter Sunday. Two payments I received in Jan 2021 were applied to a 2008 training benefit claim that is not my fault and a total computer error per the EDD representative and the best part is she said they don’t know how to fix it…so therefore, I’m having to wait still for all of my pending certifications because no one knows how to fix it? I’m having to suffer at their error? Any suggestions?

  90. Uncle sam

    It’s may 17 2021 still no benefits , last payment was on April 6 2021: I would rather work for a check, not really, relying on politicians, old edd computers ,understaffed edd workers equals Hell and stress for hundreds of thousands of citizens, L suspect a major Russian hack is near ,and paranoid thoughts because of Delays


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