Latest news and updates from Cal OES

State Officials Announce Latest COVID-19 Facts
SACRAMENTO – The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) today announced the most recent statistics on COVID-19. California has 644,751 confirmed cases to date. Numbers may not represent true day-over-day change as reporting of test results can be delayed. There...

Funcionarios de la Salud Pública piden a los Californianos a Permanecer Dentro lo Más Posible Debido a la Mala Calidad del Aire en las Áreas Aledañas a los Incendios Forestales
SACRAMENTO – El Departamento de Salud Pública del estado de California (CDPH) pide a los residentes de las áreas afectadas por el fuego y sus alrededores que estén al tanto de la calidad del aire y el efecto que puede tener en su salud y el efecto que puede tener en...

Cal OES Partnership with Google Helps Empower Californians with New Wildfire Maps
Google announced Thursday that it will offer more information on wildfires when people search for them on the its home page and maps app. It's an update that arrives just as California and Colorado wage wars on wildfires. The wildfire information is expected to be...

Public Health Officials Urge Californians to Stay Indoors When Possible due to Unhealthy Air Quality in Wildfire Areas
SACRAMENTO – The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is urging residents in fire-stricken regions and surrounding areas to be aware of poor air quality and the effect it can have on their health. Air quality in many parts of the state may be unhealthy due to...

Jones Fire Evacuations in Nevada County California
There are widespread evacuations in effect in Nevada County, and throughout California. Learn the types of evacuation levels, and what the designated siren sounds like. We follow the Nevada County Sheriff's Department and law enforcement mutual aid (LEMA) as they...