INCENDIO CAMP Cinco años han transcurrido desde que se registró el Devastador Incendio Camp y la recuperación de la comunidad de Paradise sigue su curso. La Oficina de Servicios de Emergencia del Gobernador de California (Cal OES) ha trabajado de manera conjunta con... Read MoreRead more about Se cumplen cinco años del Incendio Camp en Paradise
The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) encourages all Californians to be prepared for what follows disasters. Californians know how important it is to be ready before a disaster, but knowing what to do after the disaster strikes is just as... Read MoreRead more about What to do AFTER a severe storm
In addition to emergency response, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) regularly works hand in hand with local entities to better prepare communities for future disasters. Through the Cal OES Hazard Mitigation Grants Division, local... Read MoreRead more about Unlocking Opportunities: Grants for Local Resilience
As temperatures get colder and days get shorter, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) wants you to be prepared and safe from the elements. Consider these early darkness safety tips while setting your clocks back this Sunday. Shorter... Read MoreRead more about Don’t Let “Fall Back” Set You Back. Follow These Safety Tips
Twenty years ago more than a dozen wildfires burned through Southern California, fueled by dry and high winds. Among them was the Cedar Fire, which raged from October 25, 2003 through November 5, 2003 in San Diego County, burning more than 270,000 acres and killing 15... Read MoreRead more about Looking Back on the Cedar Fire, 20 Years Later