Read more about Recovery Operations Continue in Siskiyou County Following Happy Camp Complex Fire

As California continues to recover from complex natural disasters aided by a changing climate, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) in partnership with the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) hit an important recovery... Read MoreRead more about Recovery Operations Continue in Siskiyou County Following Happy Camp Complex Fire

Map of Southern California coast, with the text Winds, Winter Weather Could be coming to Southern California Read more about Winds, Winter Weather Could be Coming to Southern California

November marks the official start of El Nino, bringing the possibility of cold weather, rain, snow, and flooding to Southern California over the next 90 days. The California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) would like everyone to be prepared for the changing... Read MoreRead more about Winds, Winter Weather Could be Coming to Southern California

A photo of two security cameras on a brick wall. There's text overlayed reading, "Nonprofit Security Grant Program" and "To enhance safety in nonprofit and faith-based communities." Read more about California Enhances Safety in Faith-Based Communities

Increasing the state’s capability to protect faith-based communities from hate, California Governor Gavin Newsom recently announced increased funding to strengthen security at religious institutions, places of worship and other organizations across the state.  ... Read MoreRead more about California Enhances Safety in Faith-Based Communities

"Prepositioned Fire Personnel and Equpment" with an image of wildland firefighters walking in the background. Read more about With Increased Wildfire Risk in Southern California, Cal OES Prepositions Critical Firefighting Resources

Working proactively to place firefighting resources in high-risk areas, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) has strategically prepositioned critical fire engines and personnel in multiple counties to be able to respond if needed.  The... Read MoreRead more about With Increased Wildfire Risk in Southern California, Cal OES Prepositions Critical Firefighting Resources