Visiting the Water this Labor Day Weekend? Consider These Safety Tips


Ahead of Labor Day weekend, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) wants you and your family to recreate safely. Before you head out, remember to keep an eye on local weather forecasts and prepare adequately.

Whether you plan on visiting a swimming pool, open body of water, or taking your boat out to a lake, here are a few water safety tips to consider:

Pool Safety: Remember to watch kids when they are in or around water and make sure children are always supervised. Teach children how to swim and to stay away from pool drains.

Beach Safety: Check your local beach conditions and identify the wave forecasts. If you are caught in a rip current, remain calm and swim out of the current towards the shoreline. If you are unable to swim out of the rip current, calmly tread water or float until help arrives.

Lake and River Safety: Teach children that swimming in open water is different from swimming in a pool. Be aware of situations that are unique to open water, such as limited visibility, depth, uneven surfaces, currents and swift water.

Boating Safety: Conduct a vessel check and make sure you have the right safety equipment on board your boat such as life jackets, flares, navigation lights, a horn, or whistle, and a first aid kit.

Remember, never swim alone, always wear a life jacket, avoid alcohol consumption during water recreation and listen to your local water advisories. Have a safe Labor Day Weekend!