Firefighters continue to make significant progress along the perimeter of the Ferguson Fire in Mariposa County, allowing Yosemite National Park to announce the reopening of Yosemite Valley to visitors as of 9 a.m. Tuesday. The Ferguson Fire is just one of 11 large... Read MoreRead more about Yosemite Valley Reopens To Visitors As Firefighters Continue To Gain on Ferguson Fire
California’s Mutual Aid system is considered the best in the world, but it relies on local fire departments all over California answering the call when needed. Meet some of the nearly 4,000 firefighters working on the largest wildfire in California history, including... Read MoreRead more about Mutual Aid Comes In From All Over State, Country & World For Largest Fire In California History

Nearly 14,000 firefighters are on the front lines of 17 large wildfires across California. To date, these fires have burned over 619,000 acres and damaged or destroyed over 2,000 structures. Nearly 36,000 residents remain under evacuation. The Mendocino Complex... Read MoreRead more about Mendocino Complex Fire Now Largest Fire In California History

Another surge of tropical moisture will arrive in Central California by late week, and could last into the weekend. This warm and wet system has the potential to bring heavy rain, flooding, and debris flows, especially near recent burn scars. Southern California could... Read MoreRead more about Fear and Respect the Flash Flood, Play it Safe and Live
When it comes to search and rescue operations in dangerous winter conditions, training is crucial. In this edition of Inside Look, we go behind the scenes with a Winter Search and Rescue Training Exercise on Mount Shasta organized by our Cal OES Law Enforcement Branch... Read MoreRead more about Mount Shasta Search And Rescue Training