Tsunami Preparedness Week 2025 – March 22-30


A tsunami is a series of large ocean waves generated by either earthquakes that deform the ocean floor, or landslides within or falling into the ocean. Recognized annually in March, Tsunami Preparedness Week 2025 is March 22-30.

It’s essential for Californians to understand the hazards of living at or visiting the coast. Individuals and communities are encouraged to take steps to becoming better tsunami aware by visiting tsunami.ca.gov.

In 1964, a 9.2 magnitude earthquake in Alaska sent tsunami waves surging towards Crescent City. In less than five hours, during the early morning hours of March 28, three smaller waves pushed into storefronts and businesses causing little damage and a sense of calm in the people trying to clean up. Then a big wave, cresting at nearly 21 feet, slammed into the downtown, killing eleven people and devastating 29 city blocks. Separately, on March 12, 2011, a M8.9 earthquake in Japan delivered a tsunami to Crescent City, causing millions of dollars in damage to the area.

Join family, friends and communities throughout the state by registering for Tsunami Preparedness Week activities at tsunamizone.org.

NOAA’s National Tsunami Warning Center also offers tsunami information, including the current status of warnings, advisories and watches, as well as frequently asked questions.

Listos California offers a wide range of disaster readiness resources including alert sign-up information.

To learn more about general tsunami risk and preparedness, visit the Cal OES Tsunami Preparedness webpage.