STORM SEASON SAFETY: Take Steps Now to Prepare Before the Storm Arrives 


As we approach the 2023 storm season, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) is working with local, state and federal partners to ensure the state is prepared for impacts and ready to respond to communities in need. 

Winter storms have the potential to bring heavy rain, flooding, snow and other impacts. It’s important to be prepared for all weather outcomes and changing conditions. 


We all have a part in preparing for the next disaster or emergency. Now is the time to prepare, before the storm arrives, to keep you and your loved ones safe. 

Sign up for local alerts at: Listos California 

  • Emergency alerts can help save your life.  
  • They provide you with notification on disasters or emergencies near where you work or live. 

Talk with your family about an emergency plan. 

  • Know where family members will meet up during an emergency. 
  • Provide children with important phone numbers. 

Prepare a go-bag in case you need to leave your home quickly. Include essential items for each member of your family. A go-bag can turn into a stay box in case you need to shelter in place. 

  • Food and water 
  • Medication 
  • Important documents 
  • Pet supplies 

Learn multiple evacuation routes out of your neighborhood. 

  • It’s important to stay tuned to updates from local officials and if told to evacuate, don’t wait! 
  • Evacuation Warning: There is a potential threat to life and property. Leave now if you need additional time to evacuate or have pets or livestock. 
  • Evacuation Order: There is an immediate threat to life and property. Leave now. 


Additional go-bag information: click here 

Animal preparedness: click here