Storm Season Safety Preparing California for a Flood


As the state prepares for around of wet, cold weather, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) would like to remind California communities of the steps they can take now to stay safe before any flooding occurs.

There are many types of floods that are going to affect California, flood preparedness can help keep you can your family safe:

Know your risks:

While California is celebrated for its many different landscapes, each area comes with its own risk. Where you live will depend on the types of disasters in your area and will affect your emergency plan, evacuation route or shelter-in-place preparations. Assess your local risk HERE.

Do you know disaster ready basics or know how to find those resources? You can find a suite of disaster readiness resources in multiple languages at

Pack your Go-Bag and Stay Box:

When a disaster hits, you might not have time to gather necessary supplies. Pack a Go Bag now so it’s ready to grab in case of an emergency. That same Go bag can be used as your Stay Kit in case you need to shelter in place. Here are some items to consider:

  • Copies of identification and insurance cards
  • Cash
  • Contact list
  • Local maps
  • Medicine and important medical information
  • Phone charger and backup battery
  • Flashlight
  • First aid kit

Make a Plan:

Collect contact information

  • During an emergency, who do you want to contact?
  • It’s also a good idea to include out of town contacts who will not be affected by your local disaster.

Create a basic communication plan

  • If you’re split up from your loved ones, how will you get into contact with one another?
  • Consider a backup plan or two for your primary method of contact, just in case.

Think about possible evacuation routes—Learn a few ways to get out of your community quickly.

  • If there’s a flood in your area, for example, you’ll want to choose an evacuation route that bypasses bodies of water and takes you to higher ground.
  • It’s also helpful to learn local street names and get familiar with reading physical maps.

Make a list of meeting places and places to stay

  • Think about places you can meet up with your loved ones during different disasters, especially if you’re split up when it happens.
  • You can also create a list of possible places to stay if you’re unable to return to your home for a while—this can include a friend’s home away from the disaster area, local shelters, etc.

Determine roles and responsibilities

  • Who will be responsible for certain tasks before, during and after an emergency?
  • For example, decide ahead of time who should be stocking the Go Bag and Stay Box, handling the pets, choosing the evacuation route, etc.

Pet Preparedness:

To get started with pet preparedness plans, consider the type of animal you have, the risks and needs your pet might have and make sure each member of your family is familiar with the plan.

Create an evacuation plan that includes your animals:

  • Identify where you will take your pets, including alternate routes and locations.
  • Create a contact list of shelters, boarding facilities, hotels, kennels, fairgrounds, and equestrian centers.
  • Contact these locations to determine their animal policies.

Assemble a pet emergency kit and store it so it is easily accessible. Include:

  • A one-week supply of food, water, medications, and a first aid kit.
  • Copies of medical and vaccination records, along with your veterinarian’s contact information.
  • Current photos in case your pet becomes lost

Review and Update Your Plan Often:

  • Practice your plan with family members to ensure everyone understands their role.
  • Refresh your pet emergency kit often, making sure that food and water are fresh, and medication is current.
  • Confirm that your pet’s contact information is up to date.

Sign Up for alerts:

Emergency alerts from county or local officials can notify you quickly about life-saving information. Signing up for these free alerts will notify the community about potential disasters, dangers and emergencies and what to do to stay safe. Find local emergency alerts in your community HERE.


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