Ready for Wildfires: Cal OES Utilizes Fleet of More than 270 Fire Engines to Respond to All-Hazards Events 


California Fire and Rescue Mutual Aid System Bolsters State Response to Incidents Statewide 

As California experiences more severe and complex disasters, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) works with local government fire departments in times of need. 

Known as the California Fire and Rescue Mutual Aid System, Cal OES helps coordinate the response of local, state, federal and tribal partners to emerging incidents statewide, deploying resources and personnel statewide. 

In particular, during wildfire season Cal OES deploys a fleet of more than 270 fire engines to over 60 local government partners across the state, including most recently, the first ever engine assigned to a Tribal Nation. 

This fleet of fire apparatus is assigned to local government fire agencies to maintain surge capacity while responding to day-to-day incidents. 

The resources Cal OES assigns to local partners include: 

Type I Fire Engine 

Type I engines are the largest in the Cal OES firefighting fleet and they’re mainly used for structure firefighting and defense. These engines can also be used for search and rescue missions and include a variety of tools. 

Type III Fire Engine 

Type III engines are mostly used for wildland fire response. Their size and off-road capability allow them to get into places larger engines can’t like rough terrain or hillsides. 

Type VI Fire Engine 

Type VI engines are the small of the fleet. These engines can get into tight areas that other engines can’t, and they carry extrication tools, like the jaws of life, for rescue missions. 

Water Tenders 

Water tenders carry water to help support firefighting operations and can help combat fire after other emergencies like earthquakes. 

Through the Mutual Aid System, each of these resources, in addition to staff assigned with them, plays an important role in protecting lives, property and the environment. 

For more information on preparing for wildfire, visit our website