Latest news and updates from Cal OES

SBA Amends Declaration for Civil Unrest
[Spanish version below. Versión en español a continuación.] SBA Amends Declaration for Civil Unrest Offers Disaster Assistance to Alameda County Businesses and Residents and Extends Filing Deadline to Sept. 16 SACRAMENTO, Calif. –...

New Regulations Will Help State Understand COVID-19 Impacts on California’s Diverse Communities
California Department of Public Health Takes Action to Require Better, More Timely Collection of Data on Race, Ethnicity, Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation SACRAMENTO – To better understand the impact of COVID-19 on California’s diverse communities, the...

SBA Offers Disaster Assistance to California Businesses and Residents Affected by the Niland Fire
[Spanish version below. Versión en español a continuación.] SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Low-interest federal disaster loans are available to California businesses and residents affected by the Niland Fire that occurred June 28-29, 2020, announced Administrator Jovita...

COVID-19 Pandemic N95 Mask Distribution to California Counties
Cal OES continues its mission alongside partnering agencies to support counties across the state, responding to COVID-19. During this pandemic, Cal OES has shipped out millions of N95 masks to multiple front-line sectors. This continuous effort helps jurisdictions...

California’s Response by the Numbers
Cal OES continues its mission alongside partner agencies to support local communities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are the latest numbers as of July 27, 2020: ###