Latest news and updates from Cal OES

Wildfire Survivors can Register With FEMA for Assistance
Today, the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) in partnership with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced that wildfire survivors are now able to register for federal financial assistance through If...

State Officials Announce Latest COVID-19 Facts
SACRAMENTO – The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) today announced the most recent statistics on COVID-19. California has 668,615 confirmed cases to date. Numbers may not represent true day-over-day change as reporting of test results can be delayed. There...

California Businesses and Residents Affected by Wildfires Urged to Register with FEMA and SBA for Federal Disaster Assistance
California businesses and residents who suffered damage or losses from the current and recent wildfires are strongly encouraged to register for disaster assistance. As a result of President Trump’s major disaster declaration, both Federal Emergency Management...

State Officials Announce Latest COVID-19 Facts
Note to Editors: This news release has been revised to reflect that a total of 35 counties have been on the county monitoring list for 3+ days and are required to close indoor operations for certain sectors based on the July 13 order to slow community transmission....

SBA Stands Ready to Assist California Businesses and Residents Affected by Wildfires
Y por debajo: SBA está lista para Asistir a Negocios y Residentes del estado de California Afectados por los Incendios Fuera de Control - Se Abren Centros Virtuales de Recuperación de Negocios el Lunes, 24 de Agosto SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Low-interest federal...