Winter is coming, and so is rain, flooding and other impacts in the next few months. The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) reminds you to be proactive and take steps now to be prepared.
Pack a Go-Bag
When a disaster hits, you might not have time to gather necessary supplies. Pack a Go Bag now so it’s ready to grab in case of an emergency. That same Go bag can be used as your Stay Kit in case you need to shelter in place. Here are some items to consider:
- Copies of identification and insurance cards
- Cash
- Contact list
- Local maps
- Medicine and important medical information
- Phone charger and backup battery
- Flashlight
- First aid kit
Before Floods, Mudslides and Debris Flows
- Make a plan with your family and know your flood risk to ensure you’re ready.
- Sign up for local emergency alerts and listen to authorities. Don’t wait to evacuate if told to do so.
- Monitor incoming storms, especially if you live in burn scar areas or downstream of a burned area.
- Become familiar with alternative evacuation routes around your home, work, or areas you frequently visit.
- Use plastic tarps and sandbags to keep out water.
- Talk to your insurance agent about purchasing flood insurance.
During Floods, Mudslides and Debris Flows
- Local authorities may indicate it is safer for you and your family to shelter in place if flash flooding is not impacting your neighborhood.
- Do not walk through moving water – just six inches of water can sweep an adult off their feet.
- Do not attempt to drive through a flood, debris flow, or into flooded areas. It takes only a foot of water to float or sweep away most vehicles.
- Flash floods can occur with no warning. Listen to TV or radio and monitor social media for weather updates and emergency instructions. Remember to get to higher ground and never walk or drive through flood water.