Kids in Hot Cars


As summer approaches, California’s temperatures are rising, so it’s a great time for families to raise their awareness of kids in hot cars. The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) is here to remind you that when the temperatures go up outside, the risk for endangering your children left inside goes up too. Here are some helpful tips that can prevent your child from having heat-related illness, or worse:

  • Never leave a child of any age in a vehicle unattended for any length of time. Rolling down the windows or parking in shaded areas does little to change the interior temperature of the vehicle.
  • Make it a habit to check your entire vehicle before locking it, especially the back seat.
  • Try placing a personal item like a purse, water bottle, or keys in the back seat to act as an extra reminder to check your vehicle before locking it and walking away.
  • Some cars have built-in reminders to check for children – pay attention to them.

If you see a child alone in a locked car, act immediately and call 911.


Extreme Heat Tips for Children | Cal OES News

Child Safety Seats (

Safety Tips for the Summer Heat (

Child Heatstroke Prevention: Prevent Hot Car Deaths | NHTSA