Take Steps to Keep Your Pet Safe During Pet Preparedness Month


June is Pet Preparedness Month and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) is committed to ensuring your furry family members are safe and prepared. With temperatures increasing so does the risk of overheating when playing outdoors. It’s important to know the signs of heat illness in animals.

Look out for:

  • Excessive panting
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Excessive drooling
  • Mild weakness
  • Vomiting
  • Elevated body temperature

Overheating can be very scary and dangerous for your pets, knowing the signs and how to prevent overheating can help keep your pet safe.

When outdoors with your pet:

  • Exercise your pet during the morning or evening when the sun is not at its peak. If the ground is too hot for your feet, it’s too hot for theirs.
  • Older and at-risk pets may have difficulty handling elevated temperatures.
  • Ensure your pet has lots of fresh clean water, as temperatures increase so does the amount of water your animal might need. Make sure this water is not left in the sun, this could cause the water to be too hot for your pet.
  • If outdoors, take shade breaks and try to keep off the asphalt.
  • Visit your vet to know your pet’s risks this summer.

Two Dogs with an emergency bag

Summer Pests:

The warmer weather brings more than just fun for our furry friends, each of these pests can ruin your pet’s day or worse:

  • Ticks
    • When returning indoors, check your pets for ticks. If one is found it can be easily removed. To avoid ticks, check with your vet for tick collars or medications.
  • Fleas
    • To avoid a flea infestation, bathe your pets regularly. Wash pet and human bedding often and vacuum carpets frequently.
  • Mosquitoes
    • Keep windows and doors closed. Replace your pet’s water daily to ensure their water does not become a breeding ground for mosquitoes and ask your vet about pet-safe bug repellent.

Hot Weather Tips for Pets:

  • Sunburn
    • Pets can get sunburned too. When your pet is outside, make sure they have access to shade, cool water, and the ability to go indoors.
  • Car Safety
    • Never leave pets alone inside of the car.
  • Water Safety
    • If taking your pet to the water, make sure your pet knows how to swim or has a lifejacket. Not all pets are good swimmers and leaving them unsupervised can become dangerous very quickly.

At Cal OES, we know that pets are a critical part of your family. Since June is Pet Preparedness Month, let’s make sure our loved ones are protected.

Additional Resources:

Emergency Preparedness Means Preparing our Pets too! | Cal OES News

County Cooling Centers and Resources | Cal OES News

First Day of Summer: Tips to Stay Safe as the Seasons Change | Cal OES News

CDFA – AHFSS – AHB – EPRS – CARES – Animal Shelter Documents and Resources

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