It’s Time to Prep: Get You and Your Family Ready for the Next Disaster


California is no stranger to disasters of all kinds that can strike at any time and because of that, it’s important to be prepared for anything. With National Preparedness Month quickly approaching, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) encourages all Californians to take simple steps to be prepared.

Preparing now can reduce the stress you and your family could experience due to an emergency situation.


There are things you can do now and throughout the year, to prepare you and your family for the next disaster.

Sign up for emergency alerts through your county to ensure you’re informed when something happens.

Talk with your family about an emergency plan. Know what you’ll do in the event of a major disaster and how you’ll reconnect with loved ones.

  • Where will you meet if you need to evacuate your home?
  • Who will contact who when the emergency happens?
  • What is the best evacuation route away from your home?

If you need to leave your home quickly during an emergency, a go-bag will help ensure that you have important items with you. Keep the go-bag in an easily accessible area so you can grab it as you head out the door. Some important items for your go-bag include:

  • Food and water to last several days
  • Medications
  • First aid kit
  • Important documents
  • Cell phone charger

Don’t forget about our furry and feathered friends, our pets! Create a go-bag for them as well with food and water and vaccination records.


It’s important to stay tuned to updates from local officials and if told to evacuate, don’t wait!


Additional go-bag information: click here

Animal preparedness: click here