Governor Gavin Newsom today issued an executive order addressing a variety of issues in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The order helps ease the strain on domestic violence service providers by waiving the 10 percent cash or in-kind matching requirements for state grants awarded to these organizations.
The order also waives the deadline to verify grade point average and waives certain certification requirements and selective service registration verification for Cal Grant applicants.
The order suspends programmatic deadlines for entities that receive funding from the Energy Commission for the development and deployment of new technologies that support the state’s clean energy and decarbonization goals.
In addition, the order extends the timeframe for local governments to submit claims for reimbursement to the State Controller’s Office.
The text of the Governor’s executive order can be found here and a copy can be found here.
I have copd. I have a job but im on leave due to me being high risk. Is it ever going to be safe for me to go back to work? Do i have to go back to work? Im confused about what to do. Im an essential worker but my boss cannot accommodate the 6ft rule. Can someone please help me. The govenor has not mentioned anything of this nature.