Mark Ghilarducci on KBLA with Dominique DiPrima on How to Keep Our Families Safe in the Next Disaster

Mark Ghilarducci in the KBLA studio talking with Dominique DiPrimaAs another wildfire season is in full swing in California and the Western States, California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) Director Mark Ghilarducci joined Dominique DiPrima in the KBLA studio for the podcast First Things First.  He and DiPrima talk preparedness during wildfires, earthquakes and cybersecurity, keeping our families safe in the next emergency.  Below are a few excerpts taken from Director Ghilarducci’s discussion with Ms. DiPrima.

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Mark Ghilarducci: We’ve always had wildfires…  But these fires today are more extreme. They’re more intense. They’re more complex. They move faster than we’ve ever seen before. And the fuel that’s feeding these fires is so dry, there’s no humidity, the relative humidity is low.

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Mark Ghilarducci:  So, wildfires are a big thing in California. It’s a way of life. Earthquakes are a big deal. Flooding, believe it or not, while we have drought right now, we’ve had significant flooding in the past. And cybersecurity is a huge factor here in California. We are working very, very diligently to protect our critical infrastructure. And, you know, this has got to be a team sport.

Click the play button above to listen to the entire excerpt.

Mark Ghilarducci:  So, we have an app called California’s MyShake App. It’s free. And the MyShake App in California, will give you not only that warning both verbally and gives you buzzes, but there’s also a number of earthquake preparedness tips on there too.

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Mark Ghilarducci:  And if you’ve got a Microsoft product or even an Apple product, they’re regularly updating. You want to install those updates because they send patches to make sure that it’s the most secure. And then it’s up to you to also do your part by not clicking on these phishing emails and changing your passwords regularly. Those are areas and ways by which you can really make your personal computer much more secure.

Click the play button above to listen to the entire excerpt.


Mark Ghilarducci, Director of the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services on How to Keep Our Families Safe in the Next Disaster (5-10-22 #3)

MyShake app

Earthquake Warning California


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Portrait of Shawn Boyd The All Hazards podcast is hosted by public information officer Shawn Boyd who himself is a former television news journalist with 20 years of reporting, anchoring and producing under his belt.

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