If you have insurance, you do not have to fille an insurance claim before applying for FEMA assistance. You are encouraged to contact your insurance company as soon as possible to start your insurance claim process. When you receive your insurance settlement, please call FEMA at 800-621-3362 to discuss your assistance options.
If an inspection is required, a FEMA inspector will contact you to schedule an appointment to assess your property damage. If you cannot be present, another household member over the age
of eighteen may meet with the inspector. Inspectors will have FEMA photo identification and are trained to identify damage caused by disasters. Inspectors will not physically access certain areas of your home, such as crawlspaces, attics, and roofs. Inspectors do not decide if you receive FEMA assistance.
Duplication of Benefits:
It is important to provide accurate insurance information to avoid a duplication of FEMA assistance. By law, FEMA cannot give assistance for losses addressed by insurance coverage or other sources. If you receive FEMA assistance and have insurance that covers the same loss, you will be required to return the FEMA Assistance.
Financial Assistance Limit:
Financial assistance is limited to an annually adjusted amount based on the Consumer Price Index. The nancial assistance limit may be reached with a combination of Housing Assistance and Other Needs Assistance grant awards.
Flood insurance and Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA):
If your home is located an SFHA, you are required to purchase and maintain ood insurance on your property as a condition of receiving FEMA disaster assistance. Failure to obtain and maintain ood insurance may affect your eligibility for future FEMA assistance.