Cal OES Helps Prepare the Next Generation of Emergency Managers


Preparing the next generation of emergency managers, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) Director Nancy Ward spoke at the 2nd Annual Camp ReadyLA event.

Director Ward joined other leaders in emergency management and first responders during the week-long recruitment camp that equips program participants with disaster preparedness, team building, and leadership skills to pave the way for their professional development. This year, there were about 30 high school students and young adults who expressed interest in a career in emergency management – something that is becoming increasingly important.

“By bringing together all of you and showing interest in emergency management, you are caring about the safety and security of your own community,” said Cal OES Director Ward. “So, I thank you for taking the time to learn more about the work we do as emergency managers and helping make California more disaster resilient.”

Being an emergency manager isn’t easy, but it’s rewarding. As others run away from an emergency like a wildfire, emergency managers run toward it.

During times of need, Cal OES and other state and local partners send everything possible – like fire engines, ground crews and more – to fight that wildfire. The state works with local sheriffs to help them evacuate families if a wildfire is too close to their homes. Cal OES works with the county to help set up shelters or evacuation centers to ensure public safety and coordinates with local governments, like Los Angeles, to have all the resources they need – including food, water, first aid, comfort kits and other necessities – to ensure the local community is safe during a disaster.

To learn more about being an emergency manager and apply for a position at Cal OES, visit the Cal Careers website.