Cal OES’ Efforts to Confront Cyber Threats


As the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) wraps up October as Cybersecurity Awareness Month, it’s an important reminder on how California is leading a whole-of-government effort to confront cyber threats.
As California’s Homeland Security Agency, Cal OES leads California’s efforts to prepare for and respond to cyber-attacks. In an increasingly online world, protecting digital infrastructure is vital to the state’s ability to deliver essential services to California communities.

Cal OES Establishes the Cal-CSIC
Cal OES works year-round to strengthen the state’s cybersecurity resiliency to reduce the likelihood and severity of cyber-attacks.
Through an executive order in 2015, Cal OES was tasked to establish and lead the California Cybersecurity Integration Center (Cal-CSIC), which works to reduce the likelihood and severity of cyber incidents that could damage California’s economy, its critical infrastructure, or public and private sector computer networks in our state.
The Cal-CSIC is made up of partners from four critical partner agencies who have a role in cyber security: Cal OES, the California Department of Technology, the California Highway Patrol, and the California Military Department.
Cal-CSIC coordinates closely with the California State Threat Assessment System and the U.S Department of Homeland Security to facilitate information sharing and communication with local, state, and federal agencies. As well as tribal governments, utilities and other service providers, academic institutions and non-governmental organizations.

Cybersecurity Roadmap: Cal-Secure
In 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom released Cal-Secure, California’s first multi-year cybersecurity roadmap. Built on industry-leading best practices and frameworks, Cal-Secure addresses critical gaps in the state’s information and cybersecurity programs while enabling the state to manage existing and future threats more effectively. Cal-Secure defines a path for state entities to strengthen our cybersecurity measures and prioritize resources to manage the most significant cyber risks and safeguard those services for Californians who depend on them.
Cal-Secure was created through a collaborative process with Cal OES, the California Department of Technology, the California Highway Patrol, the California Military Department, and the state government security community.