Image of Joe Hearn profile picture with text that says I am Cal O E S Joe Hearn Chief, Business Operations, Office of Private Sector N G O Coordination Read more about Watch: Shining a Spotlight on Staff – I am Cal OES Video Series – Joe Hearn, Business Operations Chief

Over the past several years, the state has experienced an unprecedented number of emergencies and disasters. As these climate-driven natural disasters become more severe in California, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) staff has met each... Read MoreRead more about Watch: Shining a Spotlight on Staff – I am Cal OES Video Series – Joe Hearn, Business Operations Chief

"Prepositioned Fire Personnel and Equpment" with an image of wildland firefighters walking in the background. Read more about With Gusty Winds Forecasted, Cal OES Prepositions Firefighting Equipment and Personnel

Working proactively to place firefighting resources in high-risk areas, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) has strategically prepositioned critical fire engines and personnel in multiple counties to be able to respond if needed.  The... Read MoreRead more about With Gusty Winds Forecasted, Cal OES Prepositions Firefighting Equipment and Personnel

Read more about Despite Less Major Wildfires this Season, Cal OES Worked to Rapidly Deploy Firefighting Help Statewide  

Every year, California experiences thousands of wildfires throughout the state. However, this year, the state experienced fewer devastating wildfires than years past. The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) worked throughout wildfire season... Read MoreRead more about Despite Less Major Wildfires this Season, Cal OES Worked to Rapidly Deploy Firefighting Help Statewide  

Image of burned structure with a swing in the foreground. Text reads: Five Years Later and the O E S logo in the corner Read more about Five Years Later – Honoring Recovery Efforts from the Camp Fire

As the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) actively continues recovery efforts throughout the state, previous disasters such as the Camp Fire allows for the opportunity to reflect on the resiliency of communities that have endured.   In the... Read MoreRead more about Five Years Later – Honoring Recovery Efforts from the Camp Fire